How to do a 50m Underwater Swim - Part 2: Underwater Swimming Technique

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Learn how to do a 50m underwater swim. This is the 2nd part of how to swim underwater longer. It will teach you an underwater swimming technique for beginners.

It is not the fastest way to swim underwater, but it is very efficient.

If you want to swim 50 meters underwater, this is the stroke for you.

This post covers stage 4 and 5 of the 50 meter underwater swim training. If you haven't already, please read the post on Breath Hold Training which covers stages 1, 2, and 3. It also has VERY important safety information.

Stage 4 - Efficient Stroke

This teaches the best technique for how to swim farther underwater. The only aim is to learn the stroke. Donโ€™t try to break any underwater swimming record.

DID YOU KNOW? The Guinness Book Record for the longest underwater swim is 200m by Tom Sietas (German).

This underwater swimming stroke uses a modified breast-stroke with the underwater dolphin kick. Do it as one fluid motion. This is also how to swim underwater without floating up.

Start off in a streamlined glide and stay in it for as long as possible.

Streamlined glide

When you are almost to a complete stop, turn your palms out and separate your hands. Do the out-sweep of the breast-stroke. Use webbed fingers. Allow your legs to float up, the higher the better. Keep your head down.

Do the out-sweep of the breast-stroke

As you do the breaststroke arm movement, arch your body extending your back and shoulders. You aim is to make your body like a spring which you will snap down to propel you forward.

Bring your arms and forearms into a vertical position, elbows facing up. Snap your arms and legs down together.

Make your body like a spring and snap down to propel you forward

Your legs/torso do the underwater dolphin kick technique. Your arms go into a double arm pull stroke by pushing against the water down along your body. Remember your webbed fingers.

Use a double arm pull stroke

Keep your arms vertical for as long as you can and end in a streamline position with your arms by your sides. Glide in this position for as long as you can.

Do a standard breaststroke frog kick. At the same time bring your hands back into the streamline glide you started in, with your arms/hands in front of you.

End in a streamline position then do a frog kick

Repeat this sequence. When you start to run out of breath go into your preferred surface stroke. Combat side stroke or freestyle is best.

Stage 5 - 50 Meters Underwater Swim

Revise the underwater swimming safety tips!

Before attempting this final stage you should be able to:

  • Swim a 25m underwater swim in under 30 seconds and using 5 strokes or less.
  • โ€‹Hold your breath for at least 90 seconds while walking on dry land.

The first part of stage 5 is to build up your breath holding ability while moving on dry land.

Hold your breath while doing SFP Super-Burpees for a minute. When you can do 6 in a minute you are ready to attempt the navy seal 50-meter underwater swim.

Combine the breath holding techniques from part 1 with this efficient underwater swimming stroke. Remember to surface if you feel the need. Do not try to push yourself to make it. Doing so is dangerous and will also have a negative effect on your distance. If you are "stressing" about making the distance you will run out of oxygen faster. Stay calm and relaxed.

Stage 5 - 50 Meters Underwater Swim

This concludes the training for how to swim longer underwater.

There are other underwater swimming strokes, but they are not as efficient.

You can even use this technique to conquer the Navy Seal underwater swim for distance test.

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