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As we navigate the complexities of macronutrients, from the muscle-building power of proteins to the energy-packed realm of carbohydrates and the essential benefits of fats, we also uncover foundational nutritional guidelines that everyone should consider.
Whether you're pondering the age-old question of meat consumption or seeking clarity on the role of supplements in conjunction with exercise, we've got you covered.
Join us as we unravel these topics and more, ensuring you're equipped with knowledge to fuel both your workouts and daily life.
This podcast is available from most major podcast hosts, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
00:00:00 Introduction
04:21:09 Macronutrients
05:08:92 Protein
07:20:45 Carbohydrates
08:33:34 Fats
10:06:26 Nutritional Guidelines
10:23:30 Eat fresh
11:54:58 Stay hydrated
12:57:84 Should you eat meat or not
16:09:16 Exercise and Supplements
17:52:15 Quick recap
18:28:55 Closing
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Hi guys, Sam Fury here with another episode of the Survival Fitness Plan, your ultimate flight and fight fitness training program. Today's episode is about the Survival Fitness Plan nutrition guidelines. But before I get into that you might be wondering what this thing on my head is. Looks like a beanie, right?
That's what I use it for. It's just to keep my head warm. But my mum, my step mum whom I just call mum, she Gave it to me when I was getting on the plane, and she's part of a company called Elkin, and they It's a multi-level marketing company, and they specialize in, like, health supplements and stuff.
They started off with Spirulina, like, many, like, 20 years ago or something, and now they do all sorts of stuff. They still use Spirulina, which is really, really good but they do all sorts of stuff. And this is one of the things they've got, right? And it's called the El Elise, Elise Seal Inner Snow Cap.
And apparently, I mean I just use it as a beanie because my head gets cold especially when I go running in the morning in the Phoenix winter. But apparently, it's to relieve head pressure for all-day comfort. So I've just got on the little. Booklet, the pamphlet they give me.
So I'll just go through this and then we'll get into the episode.
Just because I thought it was kind of interesting. And it just says here that every one of us would experience some form of stabbing pain, throbbing, or just overall pressure in our heads. Lack of quality sleep, dizziness, and lightheadedness could also cause the head to feel heavier. These discomforts are caused by poor blood circulation or low oxygen around your brain.
So this is a treatment for that, as opposed to medication that people might take. So, created using natural cotton and spandex and incorporating a unique technology known as NIGEN. Nijin, the Eli seal, Eli cile, I don't know how to say it, in a snow cap is not just stylish, is it stylish? But also comfortable and useful for day-to-day, it is comfortable, I'll give it that.
And I guess it looks alright, I mean my friend told me it looks alright. Nijin is made of naturally occurring crystalline min mineral that has the ability to absorb the body's temperature and act as an insulator by radiating far infrared rays. Or F I r. I've never heard of that. Upon contact with the skin to retain warmth, I guess I should probably know that stuff.
That's kind of bi. I've just never come across it before. I've heard of it, but I don't really know what it is. Fear radiation. So it absorbs that, I guess I don't know how Nigen has a two-dimensional structure of hexagonal lattice that enables better absorption and radiation of fear energy. Tested and proven.
So it lowers your, lowers your body temperature and reduces swelling, I think that is what the goal is here. Maybe it doesn't lower body temperature, but it reduces, reduces the all right, here we go. Long-term benefits. Improves blood circulation with far infrared rays. It Soothes head pressure increases oxygen, and boosts energy levels.
That's good. Modulates sleep quality, accelerates metabolism, non-toxic fabric, breathable, comfortable fit. So I don't know how much of this I believe that it does. I mean, essentially it's just a beanie, right? It's made of cotton, and I mean they said that it's got that stuff in it, but whatever. Yeah, so that's basically it. So, I'll keep wearing it though, because you can't do anything bad, right? Even if their claims aren't true, which I suppose they are, why would, I mean, there's, they do have reasons to lie, I guess. But it's a, it's a well-known company, and they're regulated by, it's a Malaysian company, it's not like they've got, but they'll have regulations probably better than the FDA, I imagine because it's the FDA.
No, I don't know how good the FDA is, I'm not American. But yeah, so I just thought it was interesting. But I'll keep wearing it because it keeps my head warm. So there you go.
Anyway, today's main subject is nutrition guidelines. Now, I've gone over nutrition guidelines a few times before. But things keep evolving, I've been learning new stuff, so let's go over them again.
So before we get into the actual guidelines let's go over something called macronutrients.
For those of you who don't know, macronutrients are dietary compounds that the body needs in, like, large quantities, right? To be able to function. And three, three of them are protein, carbohydrates, and fats.
So... We don't really, in this survival fitness plan, I don't really believe in diets or whatever. We got the nutrition guidelines, but it's not, they're not very strict. They're not strict diets, but it's, the aim is to be healthy, right? And so, we do like to concentrate on getting the three good... These things, are protein, carbohydrates good carbohydrates, and good fats, right?
And protein, all protein is good, I guess. Alright, so, you want high-protein foods. So, this is not part of the guidelines, but it's just good information.
So when you've got a choice of choosing between different things these are the things you should try to choose, right?
So, you want to get high protein foods some high protein foods fish such as salmon and tuna, right?
Very high in protein, and they're good. I don't know if you watch a documentary called Oh, it was on Netflix and it was about how the oceans are... So watch out for fish because there's a lot of plastic in the ocean. So, so these, these recommendations don't take into effect our environmental environmental things that we've, we've destroyed the ocean with and stuff like that.
And and I'll, I'll touch on a few other things as well. So, but yeah, fish, if like anything that you can get that's like organic is better. Just put it that way, just make, get it organic, right? Yeah. So fish such as salmon and tuna, right? Poultry such as chicken and turkey, again. I knew, I know this guy that had cancer.
And and it's in remission now, which is great. But the one thing the doctor said to him and which he still has to follow now is not eat chicken, right? Because chicken, especially in the United States and Other places I imagine they're pumped full of drugs, like antibiotics or whatever, and cancer causing drugs, right, so but, so you always want to get organic organic stuff, right and organic and free range is different, so don't, don't, don't think just because it's free range that it still gets fed shit if it's free range, just means they can go outside once in a while.
Doesn't mean they're not kept in cages for most of the time, right? It just means that they've they comply with the FDA and free range doesn't necessarily... I mean, people think free range and they think they're running around in a big farm. It's not true, right? So but organic is, is like the, the best, the best thing you can get unless you're growing your own chickens.
And then you know how, exactly how you're treating them, right? Chicken and turkey, alright. Nuts, beans, lentils, one of my favorite, favorite foods, lentils. Eggs soy. Soy is like... It's really high in protein for especially for a vegetarian option, or vegan option even, but there are some problems with soy as well about the environment and stuff like that.
So, you know, you make your own decision on that.
All right, the next thing is carbohydrates, but you don't want simple, you want there's two types of carbohydrates, right? You got simple and complex. Most simple carbohydrates are terrible for you, like refined sugar and all that sort of stuff. There are some simple carbohydrates Like, fruit, sugar in fruit is alright.
If you want to eat simple carbohydrates, go for fruit. Fruit is good for ya. Obviously, it's fruit. But, the difference between complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates will give you slow-release energy, right? And simple carbohydrates, did I say that? Complex carbohydrates will give you slow-release energy.
And simple... Which will keep you full for longer maybe and with simple carbohydrates you'll use up the energy quicker You might crash, right? But if it's like pre-workout Like 10 minutes before you work out smash smash a banana or some fruit Bananas a top fruit, but smash down some fruit and it'll give you that energy right there You can power on through your workout or whatever Yeah, complex carbohydrates are like oats, whole grain foods vegetables, lots of vegetables have complex carbohydrates, legumes, right lentils, beans, all that sort of stuff is all good for ya, it's all good.
And the last one is fats, but you want good fats, unsaturated fats, there are two types of unsaturated fats, there's poly and polyunsaturated, I think, and monounsaturated, something like that, but you don't want saturated fats, and saturated fats are like you know when you get a piece of bacon and you get the, the white rind, that sort of stuff.
Some good unsaturated fat, unsaturated in general is like clear fats, right? Some good unsaturated fats, olive oil, and avocados, love avocados, one of my favorite foods. Nuts and seeds some have more than others, right? I think I can't remember off the top of my head, but some definitely have more than others, so you might want to do a bit of research on that, but I just eat like...
A variety of nuts and seeds is fine, right? Fish such as but high, high fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, see salmon popping up again, eggs as well, right? Grass-fed milk, make sure it's grass-fed, I think they want 2 percent grass-fed milk, right? Greek yogurt is pretty good and they say dark, dark chocolate but cacao, right?
If you eat cacao, cacao's so good, has heaps of anti, I forgot what they're called. But it's got heaps of health benefits, cacao, right? It's kind of like coffee as well. It has heaps of health benefits, just on a side note, right? And if you want, you can take some fish oil supplements, to give you some more unsaturated fats if you're not getting around.
Alright, so that's a quick rundown of the types of foods you want to be looking at eating, right? Protein, carbohydrates, fats.
Now let's get to the... Guidelines. So, there's two, there's two versions, right, that I've come across. This might change as well because I'm still trying to figure it out. Two versions and the first version is like the simple version, and it's like, it's just be healthy.
So, like, at the very least, you want to do these three things, right?
You want to eat fresh, and eat fresh covers quite a lot of things, actually. So, it's like don't eat super processed foods, eat organic anything packaged, pre-packaged, that's ready to eat is kind of, Not good. You want fresh fruits and vegetables, right? Cook you, cook yourself, all that sort of stuff. So eat fresh, right? Not Subway.
The next one is plate portions. So I've gone over this pretty recently as well. But, so I'll just go over it quickly again here. So plate portions, you want 50 percent of your plate or two handfuls, right, is vegetables.
A quarter of your plate is high-protein foods, and then the other quarter of your plate is complex carbohydrates, right? So if a hand if a handful's a portion, you could do, like, one handful of protein, one handful of complex carbohydrates, and two handfuls of vegetables, right? But if you're looking at a plate, it should be half your plate is, like, salad and vegetables.
One-quarter of it is like a bit of fish or lentils or whatever. And then the other, the other quarter of it will be your complex carbs brown rice, brown, brown pasta that sort of stuff, right? So, and then also the last one, which is part of eating fresh, but I'll just get to be extra pointed.
Just drink heaps of water, like drink lots of it. You can get, if you over drink it, you're going to get hypertrophia, but, or whatever it's called, but that's a lot for athletes that like they drink too much water while they're sweating out too much salts, right?
So, as a non-athlete. Or even as you can't really drink too much water. So just drink drink lots of water But make sure you're not just drinking water and that's it. You've got to eat as well, right? You need the salts to replace it. Yeah. All right and then the next stage if it's like, is a bit more strict, right?
So that's the that at the very least, that's pretty easy to follow. Eat fresh, do your plate portions, and drink lots of water, right? So if you want to get more serious about it, you can get strict. And it's like, these things aren't like all or nothing, right? Just pick, just pick a few of them and like, and like If you want to get healthy, just slowly incorporate them And these are, these are things that will probably change.
Like the first, the first, healthy things. They're probably not going to change ever because that's it's what it is. But these ones won't change.
All right so you could consider becoming Non meat right vegetarian or what's that one where they just don't eat?
They might just eat fish like a pescatarian or a vegan even right you can think about those sorts of things I think there's a documentary Forgot what it's called It was on Netflix, but I haven't even seen it yet actually, but I heard how heaps it's tough about it, and it's about all these athletes sort of thing.
Mike Tyson used to be vegan, I think even Arnold Schwarzenegger used to be vegan. I think they, I think Tyson switched, like stopped being vegan because he wanted to fight again, right? If you're, an athlete... Being a vegan is kind of difficult, but for the normal average person, or even for someone that's, that trains in the survival fitness plan, like in the survival fitness plan, you only really do about half an hour or 45 minutes of exercise a day, and that's nowhere near an athlete.
I mean, you're still better than a lot of, a lot of the world's population, don't get me wrong, but so you could easily become a vegan and, and train in the survival fitness plan if that's what you want because there's a lot of health benefits to being a vegan. Of course, it's a bit controversial, so do your own do your own research.
I'm not a vegan. I do eat a lot less meat than a lot of people, I think. That, but I wouldn't consider myself vegan because I eat meat. Anyway, intermittent fasting is a good one. I like intermittent fasting. I do it quite often. I've been told not to, but whatever. I like it. Another thing you could try is just to not eat carbs before dinner.
One of, because you do need Carbohydrates, right? But if you wanted you go a bit stricter because because you won't eat carbs before dinner That means you'll be loading up on more protein and more vegetables, right? Which is not a bad thing and then your carbs Make them complex carbs at night. And the reason is because when you eat carbs I feel like what what I've noticed for me is I eat carbs and like slows my brain down a bit Especially if they're simple carbs, right if you're complex carbs, it's alright, but then you feel fuller or whatever But if I don't eat carbs, and oats is an exception for me,
So for lunch, I usually have like a a shake, right? And it's got oats, banana milk or water or like, whatever, just the liquid to make it. And it's got spinach, mint, blueberries turmeric, ginger, and flaxseed, right? Don't know why I just gave you my recipe for that, that doesn't really matter.
But drink that, it's got, the point is it's got oats in it, right? But it's only got a handful, and it's good because it fills you up. And oats are really, oats are really good. And even though it is a complex carb, it also has a lot of fiber and stuff in it. So it's just not too much, it's not like I'm loading up on a massive bowl of rice or whatever.
So no carbs before dinner, you can try, try that. And because I feel like, if I do eat carbs at lunch, I may get really sluggish and I get more sleepy. I mean, I have a nap every day anyway, it's just, that I've just been doing that for the last 40 years. So I'm, it's probably not going to change, but you don't really need to.
You could go for a walk after lunch or whatever and shake away, those things. And then supplements. If you want to take some supplements, I, suggest what I've, I think I mentioned it before. I've been taking all these supplements, but it's a bit like when you take supplements. And you don't really know what's going on in your body.
It's a bit of like a shotgun method, right? You just take what everyone thinks that you should take or whatever. But there's a company in America it's called Viomi and there are a couple of companies like this but I did a lot of research and I found that these ones Viomi, V I O M E and You it's a couple of hundred bucks, I think.
And then they send you out a kit, and then you take your own blood sample, you take your own spit sample, you take your own stool sample, you send it back to them, right? And then they run it through their AI labs or whatever, and then they give you like, tell you all the things that you should and shouldn't eat for your body, for your bacterial, for your system, right?
And then and then also they can, which, if you're American, they can if you're in the United States. Depending on what other countries you're in because a lot of countries wouldn't allow this, but they make Supplements specifically designed for your body, right? So you could consider that. I ordered the I did the kit.
I've sent it off right now It's in process. It's gonna take a couple of weeks and they're gonna send me back and I think I'll follow the food Suggestions that they say it's like you should eat this you shouldn't eat that For your body and then I think every couple of months or every six months or whatever you retest and then they and then they readjust It right to see what's what happened and I guess the longer you do it The more they learn and the more they can like really adjust and then eventually, yeah.
And I wouldn't, I would do the supplements, but I think because I move around a lot, it's maybe it's not practical. But we'll see what happens.
Anyway, that is about it. So all that strict stuff, they're just like I mean I do intermittent fasting. No carbs before dinner, I like that. I do do supplements.
I'm not really vegan, but I'm, I'm quite, I'm pretty vegetarian, but I do eat meat sometimes. But I think the main ones are like eat fresh, try to eat fresh as much as you can. Have a look at your plate portions, right? Making them 50 percent vegetables is a big one. Some carbohydrates and protein in every meal. Drink lots of water. And if you yeah.
That's it for today, guys. Don't forget to download the app. It's not out yet, but I want it to be live on Monday. So, I don't know, if you listen to this, I'm typing this on Friday, so hopefully, it's going to be ready to go by Monday. At least you'll be able to sign up or download it, maybe.
Alright, special deal, it's only a dollar for 30 days. Go to www.survivalfitnessplan. com/app. And, and, you will also be able to, and that's the only way, you'll get the app. You'll also be able to get all the Survival Fitness Plan training manuals. In one hit and I think that's just like, I think they're all together they're worth like 50 bucks, but you know, you'll be able to get a special one-time offer, it'll be like 27 bucks, I think, so you'll be able to get nearly 50 percent off 40 percent off or whatever, that's the only time you'll be able to do it, and then, you'll also be able to get apt, apt customization if you want to upgrade a little bit, apt customization, I think it's a couple of hundred bucks, and I'll, I'll personally customize, well someone will, it'll be me for the start and then once more people do it I'll train people how to do it anyway, that doesn't matter.
It'll be customized to you, so then yeah. You'll take, you'll take a fitness test and then we'll, we'll make everything happen. And, and, and! If you wanna go even further, you can get personal training, right? And I'll check in with ya. On daily accountability and coaching, I'll have a look.
You can, like, videotape yourself doing the exercises and then upload them to the app and I'll, I'll look at them and I'll tell you what you need to fix and all that sort of stuff. So that's, yeah, if you want to do that. But if you, at the very least, just go get the app, a dollar, it's really, really, that's all you need.
Like, you just do the app, go for a dollar, 30 days, and then if you want to continue, you can. If you don't, then don't. Whatever. That's it guys, like, subscribe, and share, and I'll see you again next time. Bye.
Driven by a passion for fitness and a commitment to helping men worldwide stay fit and capable, Sam formulated a plan that will get anyone to out-run, out-fight, and out-live the majority of the world's population.
As an avid traveler, he sought a solution that didn't require expensive gym memberships or exclusive clubs — that any man, anywhere, could take and improve his fitness straight away.
Now, after nearly two decades of relentless training, refining, simplifying, and perfecting the Survival Fitness Plan, Sam is eager to share this transformative program with the world.
Self-defense + Parkour + Fitness = You're Unstoppable!
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