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Today, we're diving into the fascinating daily health routine of none other than Sam Fury, the creator of The Survival Fitness Plan.

In this article, we'll take you on a journey through his day. Whether you're looking to revamp your daily routine or simply seeking inspiration for a healthier lifestyle, Sam's insights are sure to leave you motivated and ready to craft your own healthy day.

So, let's dive in!

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00:00:00 Introduction

00:40:80 The Survival Fitness Plan

01:55:81 A Gist of My Day

06:15:06 Work Time

06:30:32 A Detailed View of My Day

08:09:40 Cold Plunge

09:16:18 Self-Care

10:12:38 Time restricted eating

11:13:02 Extra Boost of Energy

11:45:79 Training with SFP

12:02:85 Daily Walk

12:55:60 Lunch Time

13:24:21 Siesta and Breaks

14:05:34 Afternoon Snack

14:44:78 Light Discipline

15:51:97 Going to Bed

16:16:09 Craft Your Own Healthy Day!

16:43:49 Closing


Hi guys, Sam Fury here with another episode of the Survival Fitness Plan. The only program where you will train yourself to outrun, outfight, and outlive the majority of the world's population. Today, we're going to be talking about crafting the ideal survival fitness day. Now, this is my ideal day.

It's not my day every day, obviously, because life gets in the way sometimes. But it's the day if I have If everything's perfect, this is my ideal survival fitness day, right? And yours can be different. The idea is that you craft one, right? So this is more of an example of mine, so then you can craft your own.

So you have a daily plan of health, well, wellness longevity, get your strength training, get your fight training, get your parkour training, get your swimming training, all that stuff all in, right? And of course, it changes depending on the situation, because when I travel, I might not have access to a pool.

It happens quite a lot. Even now, where I am, I don't have access to a pool, right? So I changed my routine a little bit. In fact, now I'm starting to get more into it. I've actually created a no-swim version of the Survival Fitness Plan. So if you go and even just get the basic plan, which you can get for free, survivalfitnessplan.

Come forward slash app get that for free, download it, and you'll have the complete version, and then you'll have a no-swim version, and the no-swim version is for people that want to, or don't have access to, or just don't want to swim. I mean, ideally, you would do the complete version, and there are also parkour-only versions and FOT-only versions as well, but I do recommend doing the complete version if you don't have The ability to swim, then do the non-swim version.

There shouldn't really be any reason why you don't want to do either parkour or fly. But if you're that inclined that's fair enough.

Alright, so I'm going to tell you my day, and then I'll go through it in more detail, and why I do certain things. Alright, so here we go. Now, I've got I don't like to say that...

Excuse me. I don't like to say that

I'm gonna wake up at a certain time or do things at a, like, on point, like, it's nothing's ever seven o'clock on the dot, right? Things are always between seven and eight, I'm gonna start this, alright? Just, it just gives me a little bit more flexibility. For example, if I'm working or if I'm doing something and it goes a little bit over time, I don't feel rushed because I know I've got that time gap.

So I feel like that's, that works quite well for me. Maybe you're a bit more rigid, that's fine. Maybe you're a bit more loosey-goosey, that's fine too. So somewhere between six and eight o'clock, I would wake up. It's usually closer to six, but you never know, sometimes I have a big night or a late night and I want to wake up a little early.

I never, I, it's very, very rarely I wake up past eight o'clock. It's very, very rare that I go to sleep past midnight.

So but anyway, we'll get to the end of the day at the end of the day, let's start with the start of the day. Six, somewhere between six and eight o'clock, I wake up, right? And I, the very first thing I do, and I've just started incorporating this very recently, the very first thing I'll do, whoa.

The very first thing I do, which I've been doing since I was a teenager, is rinse my mouth out with water, right? Because you've got all that extra bacteria and rinse that out. But then the thing that I've been incorporating more is I rinse my mouth out and then I drink a bunch of water, at least half a litre.

Usually, it's about three-quarters of a litre, right? I just drink three-quarters of a litre to rehydrate my body. Sometimes I drink a whole litre. It just depends on the climate I'm in as well. But I always want to try to get at least three quarters of a litre and that's a pretty good rule of thumb for everyone.

Every adult, I'd say, right?

And then after that, I'll do some oil pulling, right? So this is the thing I've just started incorporating, like, the last couple of days, actually, is get the coconut oil, do some oil pulling, do that for about 5 minutes, and while I'm doing that, I do my sun salutations. Now, this isn't anything in the, this isn't, this is a habit in the survival fitness plan, but it's not part of, the general survival fitness plan.

But, I do recommend making it a habit to do sun salutations in the morning. The reason Anyway, I'll go into things in depth, like I said before, I won't get carried away. I'll do some salutations, and then a cold plunge, right? Then, I do a workout. So, that's the app, right? I'll do some warm-ups, I'll do fly-to-flight training, do some mobility, do some meditation.

And all that happens, I start that somewhere between 6 and 8 o'clock. Alright, so as long as I've started between 6 and 8 o'clock and then, yeah. That's usually good, because all that, sounds like a lot, doesn't take more than an hour, right, might take an hour and a half max. So then somewhere between 8 and 9 o'clock, I'll have my morning coffee.

Sometimes I skip it, like today I skipped it. But I'll have morning coffee and I'll put some MCT and some collagen peptides in it. I'll, I'll go over again why I don't do that earlier. Right, so coffee with MCT, collagen, collagen peptides. Between 10 and 11, I get some sunshine, right? Make sure, I make sure I get some sunshine and I read for a little bit and I walk around barefoot.

If you've got a dog, it's a good time to take the dog for a walk. Somewhere between 11 and 12, I have Super Shake, right?

That's my first real meal of the day, I have my Super Shake. And then somewhere between 12 and 1, or 12 and 2 I should say, I might take a nap. Sometimes I skip it, very rarely though, I usually take a nap.

Throughout the day I'll have some snacks, usually fermented foods, and herbal teas. Vegetable sticks, fruit, that sort of thing.

But somewhere between three and four o'clock will be my second ish meal. Second meal ish. It's kind of, it's still a snack, but I use the Arnold Protein ice cream or my version of it.

It's changed a little bit. I took Arnold's and I made it better for me. And I'll tell you my version when I go through all this again. So I have Fernando's ice cream, and then somewhere between six and seven, I eat dinner. Protein with lots and lots of vegetables. Somewhere between 8 and 9, I like to do my light discipline.

And then somewhere between 10 and 11, I sleep. Right? And then, do it all again.

 Alright, and you might be thinking, Where do I, where do I, where do I work in between? Well, I work in between all those things, right? And then every hour, like, between, after my nap, and between number 4, and like at 5 o'clock, I'll, like, every hour I'll get up, make sure I stretch a little bit.

 Let's go over everything in detail now. So that's the, that's the general, general gist. Wake up. Work out, work eat when I need to eat, and then have a nap, and then eat some more, and then go to sleep, right? Work more. I'm quite lucky because my day is quite flexible because I work for myself, so I can do it all the time.

But, this is not hard to incorporate into a normal work day either. So, let's, let's go through it a little bit.

So between 6 and 8, I'll wake up, obviously waking up's waking up, whatever. The earlier you wake up the better, in my opinion as long as you're getting enough sleep. Right, so make sure you get at least 7 hours of sleep, preferably 8, and you want, not just length of sleep, but you want good quality sleep.

Alright, and we'll go over that more at the end as well, of how to get good quality sleep. But so you wake up, and I like to rinse out my mouth, like I said before, to get the bacteria. Then I'll drink some water to rehydrate because... Your body tends to dehydrate quite a lot over the night if you don't drink during the night, which probably most people don't.

I don't, because I'm asleep. Right? So I like to drink at least three quarters. If I'm in a hot climate, I might drink up to a liter. At least three-quarters of a liter of water. Then I'll do some sun salutations. The reason I really like sun salutations is because, first of all, it warms up your body. Right?

And you get some breathing in there, and it's a type of moving meditation, right, you get some good breathing. A type of moving meditation, you stretch your body out a bit, right, sun salutations. And if you, if you were very strict on it, you'd be doing it outside in the sun, facing the sun, right? But I don't do that.

I don't like doing yoga outside because whatever. Anyway, four out of five ain't bad. Are those five things? It doesn't matter.

Then I do a cold plunge. Now I don't. I haven't been doing this in a long time, so what I've been doing instead is just spurtin on the cold shower after the end of my shower, but the cold plunge is definitely a good idea if you've got access to it.

I used to do, like, freeze the salad bowl with a little bit of water, fill that up, and then cold plunge it down. Well, I should start doing that again. But if you've got, like, access to an actual cold plunge, a lot of people use their bathtub and fill it up with ice, but I don't really have the resources for that, like, it's all out of ice, you gotta dump in there to get it.

You know what I mean? So cold plunge, if you can, and then you work out, right? You do your workout, strength training, cardio training, and then make sure you do your mobility at the end, and I've been reading this book by Dr. Kelly Starrett. I'm not sure if he's a doctor. He's definitely a physio.

Kelly Starrett is a physio, a doctor? Maybe they are.

Anyway, he and his wife wrote this book called Built to Move, and I'm getting through it, and so you'll probably see that some of the mobility stuff, and It's gonna change a little bit, right? But that's good. Doesn't matter. That doesn't mean, don't wait for it to change.

Go get the app now because yeah.

 Alright, between 8 and 9, I do my coffee. Oh, meditation's in there. That's important. For mental health and for de-stressing and all that sort of stuff. Coffee with MCT and collagen peptides. Now, I use collagen peptides for two reasons. One, it's protein, right?

Collagen protein. Even though it's not a complete protein, it's still a type, it's still a protein. So it's always good to get a little bit of extra of that in there. And because It's good for your stomach lining. A lot of people use collagen. They think, oh, collagen is for beauty or whatever.

And it is. Don't get me wrong. It's good for your hair. It's good for your nails. It's good for your skin. But that's just a happy side effect for the reason that I use it. I use it for my gut. So make sure it's collagen type 1 and 3. Or 1 or 3. Not type 2. Type 2 is for bone for your bone structure.

Which is also good, but that's just not the reason I take it. So, with MCT, MCT oil, everyone, most people have heard of MCT oil. It's it's good brain fuel, right? So I get that with my coffee and sometimes I skip, a lot of, a lot of times I skip that coffee.

But the reason I do it past 8 o'clock is because if you noticed at the back, my last meal is no later than 7, which means I finish eating no later than 8 o'clock.

And that's, and so it's the 8 o'clock mark is the 12-hour mark because I do time-restricted Eating, and 8 like the minimum is 12, it should be between 12 and 16 hours to get the effects, the better effects of autophagy, which is when your cells do cleans up all the dead cells or whatever. I don't know the exact science of that, but I know that everyone says it, so I follow all the experts.

They so 8, so... A black coffee, a straight-up black coffee probably won't affect autophagy, I don't think I'm saying that, autophagy, whatever. But because I put the collagen and the, like, coffee with MCT probably won't affect it either because it's so, it's so little amount of calories. Because I put the collagen in the MCT, I like to keep it at 8 o'clock.

And it's just, it's just a good time as well, 8 o'clock.

 A lot of people say, have coffee 40 minutes before your exercise, you get moot. Well, that's true, but I find I don't really need that extra boost of energy to, perform for exercises. Because of the Solar Fitness Plan, it's not that difficult. Like, it's, it's, honestly, it's just, it's just above the minimum, the minimum that everyone should do.

I know everyone says, oh, the minimum should, well, half an hour walk a day. No, that's not the minimum, that's like, that's ridiculous. Like, half an hour's walk in a day is nothing, right? You need to, you need to work out, you need to do some strength training, you need to do some cardio.

Anyway, so the Survival Fitness Plan, you do strength, you do cardio, and it's more about the skills because you can do strength and cardio with almost any program, right?

But you can't get the skills you can get, and that's the main thing with Survival Fitness. Anyway, so you do it, but we do have strength and cardio and all that in there because we're trying to live longer too. So there you go.

 Anyway, so then from 10 to 11, get some sunshine. Sunshine's really good. You need I'd say 10 to 20 minutes of sunshine.

Even if you live in a cloudy area, just go out and face the sun. You'll be surprised how much vitamin D gets through, right? And probably, you probably want to take some vitamin D supplements as well. Not, most people don't get enough sunshine, right? I like to read while I walk around in the sun. Because it's good.

I like reading. And then walk barefoot so you, so you get grounded, right? Yeah, so that's why. So I walk around and I take, while I'm here, I'm in Phoenix at the moment. And so my friend's got a dog, so I take her dog out, and that's a good it's a good time. We walk around in the sun, he likes to sniff grass and eat grass, and I read, and walk around barefoot.

So that's cool. Alright, walking around barefoot's good for earthing, so you get connected back to the earth, and it dissipates all the electrical radiation and stuff that we absorb through sitting at computers all day long.

Alright, between 11 and 12, I eat my meal, my super shake. I've explained the super shake before.

You can go look at a past episode or just go to the nutrition, get the app and you'll get the nutrition guide for free, and then you can go look it up, the Super Shake, right? That's good because it gets protein, you get a bunch of nutrients for the day, so if, if you eat bad for the rest of the day, at least you've done that preferably you'll eat good for the rest of the day as well, but if you eat bad for, like just having that Super Shake, you're getting way more nutrients than most of the population, so there you go.

 Then I'll have a siesta between 12 and 1, just because I like a nap. And then all my, my snacks or whatever. So, between, so from, like, from the look of that, you'll see that every hour I'm doing something I have to get up, right? Because it's not good to stay stationary for more than an hour. In fact, it's not good to stay stationary for any, like, even more than half an hour.

But, so, especially sitting down, I sit down at the computer. I'd like to have a standing work desk, but it's just not practical where I am at the moment. But just get up every hour, right? Get up, stretch, do some YTWs do some push-ups or something. Just get up and stretch, have a good, like, good walk around for three minutes, do some eye exercises, all that.

Three to four, get the Arnold's Protein Ice Cream, which is awesome. It's another dose of protein for me. Because... I'm also like pretty, pretty close to vegetarian. I do eat meat occasionally, but I'm pretty close to vegetarian, so I need the complete proteins. And that's what Arnold's ice cream gives me, that extra little boost.

So then at dinner time, I have a little bit of protein and I'm, I'm pretty good. Alright, so out of Arnold's ice cream, I like to put cocoa and honey in it. And some nuts as well, which Arnold doesn't put, but there you go. Make things your own and you're more likely to do it. Excuse me, I just gotta And then...

Between eight and nine, I tried to get some light discipline. Now I'm pretty bad at this at the moment, but I will try to get better. I want to get some of those red, red light, red-blocking glasses, like the blue-blocking glasses, right? Pure, pure dark glasses or whatever. Try to turn off the screens, which is a bit difficult for me because I like to work late into the night.

But if I had some of those blue-blocking glasses, I would be able to... Block out the light at least. And you gotta be really good with the light discipline, like once you do it, you can't, I was just listening to a podcast this morning, and they're like, there's no point, like, a lot of people do the light discipline, and then they, oh, they turn on the, turn on the light for, for five seconds to go to the bathroom, or five minutes to go to the bathroom, but that's not right, even just doing it for a if you do it, you gotta do it, you gotta do it full on, and then just track your sleep.

I don't track my sleep at all. I probably should, I probably should get an aura ring or something, so I might do that in the future. But yeah, so I try to stay away from screens late at night just because it messes up your sleep. Get some light discipline. And then between 10 and 11, I sleep, right?

 Somewhere between 10 and 11, I go to bed. And and then because I wake up at around somewhere between 6 and 8, so let's say I go to bed at 10, I wake up at 6, right? More or less. My body naturally, I naturally sleep, whatever time I go to bed, I'll probably wake up 7 or 8 hours later. Yeah. So there you go, and that's it.

So that's my routine, and the reasons I do it.

 Of course, you're gonna have to change it for you, I know a lot of people have to go to work. So, I mean I have to work as well, but I can, because I can work when I want, I do a lot of work at night, and throughout the day, and like, when I wake up at like between 6 and 8, I don't like, I'll do some work then, and then I'll, and then I'll train, and then I'll have my coffee, and then I'll do some work, and then, you know what I mean?

So, I know everyone's different, so just make it work for you. And then yeah, that's it.

 Don't forget, to train yourself to outrun, outfight, and outlive the majority of the world's population with the Survival Fitness Plan app. Go get it now. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share.

Take a screenshot of the podcast Hashtag Survival Fitness Plan. And that's it for today guys. Thanks again for tuning in and I'll see you again next time. Bye.

Meet Sam Fury

Driven by a passion for fitness and a commitment to helping men worldwide stay fit and capable, Sam formulated a plan that will get anyone to out-run, out-fight, and out-live the majority of the world's population.

As an avid traveler, he sought a solution that didn't require expensive gym memberships or exclusive clubs — that any man, anywhere, could take and improve his fitness straight away.

Now, after nearly two decades of relentless training, refining, simplifying, and perfecting the Survival Fitness Plan, Sam is eager to share this transformative program with the world.

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Self-defense + Parkour + Fitness = You're Unstoppable!

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