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As the world becomes increasingly health-conscious, understanding the nuances of what we consume becomes paramount. From the importance of personalizing your diet and the revelations of the Health Panel Test to the wisdom behind the 80 percent rule and the emphasis on fresh food, we've got it all covered.
With insights from experts like Dr. Kelly Starrett and Dave Asprey, and practical tips on meal planning, cooking, and supplementation, this episode promises to be a comprehensive guide for anyone looking to optimize their nutrition
Join us on this enlightening journey as we explore the building blocks of a robust and resilient body.
Learn the very best methods of fight and flight while keeping yourself in peak condition with the Survival Fitness Plan. Take the challenge now!
This podcast is available from most major podcast hosts, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:11:64 Sharing updates
00:56:27 Topic for the day
01:47:20 Personalization
02:27:49 Health Panel Test
03:37:43 80 percent rule
05:22:99 Food Guidelines
06:23:79 Why eat fresh?
06:43:68 What to avoid
07:01:66 How much water do you need?
07:45:52 Best way to cook
08:57:91 Time-restricted eating
11:19:56 Dr. Kelly Starrett
12:46:08 Fruits and vegetables
13:48:91 Dave Asprey
14:20:63 Snacks, sides and condiments
15:43:39 Creating your meal plan
16:53:32 Supplements
19:39:24 Main meals
19:57:61 Balancing your meal
25:36:70 Closing
Protein Powder:
Mito Pure:
Enso Super Greens:
Athletic Greens:
Donโt just get fit, get survival fit. Take the challenge today!
Start the challenge today!
โHi guys, Sam Fury here with another episode of the Survival Fitness Plan. The only program where you will train yourself to outrun, outfight, and outlive the majority of the world's population. Today, ah, has it been a minute since I had an episode? Not that long. A few days, I skipped a couple. It's because I've been traveling.
So I'm back in Phoenix now. And my friend said that, oh it's warmed up and blah blah blah. I got here, it's still cold. Like I mean this morning was four degrees Celsius, it's not warmed up at all. But she does assure me that next week apparently is in the high 20s or the low 30s and it's poor weather apparently.
So hopefully, fingers crossed. But it is incredibly dry here. As soon as I get here, I notice my skin gets a lot drier. Anyway, that's why I haven't posted anything in the last few days. But today we're going to be talking about power packed plates. So how to craft a meal for peak performance and resilience.
In the survival fitness plan. And so this is coming straight out of the Survival Fitness nutrition plan, which you get as a bonus when you get the app. And it's, it's also part of the longevity pillars book, which you can get as a bump if you want to get the whole thing.
But as a, but when I say that you can get that as an extra. When you get the app, you'll, you'll have the chance to to get that if you want it, but if not, whatever. And it's a living ebook, which means as I learn, if new information, it changes. So it's not just like a one-time buy and you read.
It's like you'll, you'll keep getting updates for life as I learn stuff. 'cause we're always learning new stuff. And I feel like this is gonna change again pretty soon because I just started reading Dr. Peter Aria's latest book. It's called Outlive. And yeah. So that's what we are doing. So first I'm gonna, gonna gloss over the start of the document.
So, after the intro, you get some stuff on testing and personalization. Personalization is the way to go, but failing that, then you get some generic advice. So by personalization, sorry, by personalization I mean that You get tested, like, go to a company like Viomi, or I've just started using a new one now.
It's called the Health Panel Test by Dr. Well, it's not by him, but it's Peter Hyman who recommended it, and I think it's his company. It's in beta testing at the moment, but I signed up, so I get it because I'm in America at the moment, and it's only available in America, I think. I signed up, and it was, it's like 500 bucks, but you get two tests a year, and they test for a lot of stuff.
Now the thing about it was that, and then, like, you get the test, and then it's got a bunch of upsells, right? And it's got, like, if you want extra cancer screening, that's another 500 bucks. I was like, what? Because that's what I thought I was getting. I didn't read the fine print, apparently. But it does do a lot of tests, and I'm not unhappy with it.
Well, I haven't done it yet, so we'll see how it goes. If it's no good, I'll cancel the subscription. But, 500 bucks for a year and you get two tests and it's, like, very personalized, and they can tell you exactly what you should eat, and what you're at risk of and all that, and then maybe the cancer test is good once a year, and then some there's some other once off tests that you can do.
Anyway, so that's what I mean, but if you don't want to do that, because it's a bit pricey, you can get just, like, basic microbiome tests for, like, 100 bucks, and there's a bunch of different companies yeah. Anyway, so that's But failing that you have some general advice, right? And here's some general guidelines.
So we've got the 80 percent rule. So, first of all eat till you're 80 percent full, or till you feel satiated, right, don't overeat. And then it's 80 percent strict, so, which means that these are the guidelines and the, and the, the rules, you know, like in inverted commas, of the Survival Fitness Nutrition Plan.
But you don't have to follow them 100 percent because I find that if you're trying to do that then you probably won't be able to because it's, you know, you gotta have, you're like, I eat sugar sometimes and I like, you know what I mean? Like you gotta have some fun. I like to have a drink of alcohol but if you follow this 100 percent you won't be allowed any of that.
So follow it to 80 percent and 80 percent is quite good. It's like if I have three meals a day, that's 21 meals, right? And I follow that to 80%. Let's just say it's 20 meals, so it makes the math easier. And then A hundred percent of that is five times twenty is a hundred percent, so that's five meals I can have five cheat meals every week.
It's quite a lot. That's the lot, right? Is that right? I think that's right. Twenty five, yeah, something like that. My math might be off, but whatever. So that's five, let's say it's five cheat meals, and like, the way I would divide that is like, I'd have one, one or two go out for dinner or go out for lunch, right?
And, now, Mind you, when I'd have a cheat meal, I don't, I'm not going to KFC or fast food because I don't like that. I know it makes me feel like crap. So even your cheat meal, it's just like, it's not super strict. Like, I still have a pretty healthy cheat meal, but you know, like, you know, like eat a whole pizza.
I love pizza, even though I know that is the key. Queso, the cheese is not good for my stomach, personally, you might be different. Alright, anyway, so we'll get back to that in a minute, I think. So some more guidelines. Chew your food, chew your food well. Chewing your food creates enzymes, right, and you need that.
So chew it well, don't just, like, swallow it like you're in the military or whatever. Wash everything, right preferably in good-quality water. So make sure you wash everything, because everything, even if it's organic, or it still might have pesticides on it, so. You never know, because if they ship it from across the country, then they have to put pesticides on it, so it doesn't go bad on the truck or whatever.
So wash everything, just don't trust like you don't know. Unless you've grown it in your own backyard and you know what you've put on it, don't like to wash everything anyway. And at the very least you want to get some dirt off it, right? Even if it's in your own backyard, you want to get all the dirt off it.
Eat fresh, right? And I don't mean Subway, because... Apparently, their bread is not even classified as bread in France, it's classified as sugar because it's just ridiculous. And their chicken is not class is not legally chicken, it's more soy-based than chicken. I've got problems with soy as well, even though it's like pretty healthy for it.
Anyway, so eat fresh yeah, which just means like buy fresh fruits and vegetables, buy, if you eat meat, buy it from the butcher, like don't buy anything in cans, don't buy anything, you know what I mean? Like, you know what eating fresh means. And avoid some avoid all processed foods, right? And if you want to get real down to it, avoid nightshades and dairy as well.
But mainly the main thing is just to avoid processed foods, right? All the basic stuff that everyone knows is bad, right? Avoid fast food and cookies and lots of sugar. Drink lots and lots of water. 60 mls per kilogram plus 1 litre. Now that plus 1 liter is because you're training in this viral fitness plan app, right?
And anyone that's doing any moderate exercise, which should be everyone you need that extra 1 liter. So 60 mls per kilogram, and this is per day, right? So let's say I weigh... 60 kilograms. So that's three, three, that's three and a half liters, four and a half liters a day, right? Give or take. Quite a lot of water.
If you're not used to it, but once you get used to it, it's not that hard, right? Four litres a day, I drink. When I wake up in the morning, I basically scull half to one litre of water, right? And then and that's before breakfast, and then I have a coffee or whatever. And then and then before lunch, I've got another litre in me.
And before dinner, I've got another litre. Before bedtime, another litre, right? That's four litres, right there. And then have some teas and stuff along the way. It's not bad. Alright, cooking methods. So the best way to cook is raw, obviously. Eat it raw. Not stuff that you can't eat raw, but if you can eat it raw, try to eat it raw now.
So this might mess some people's stomachs up a bit. Like if I eat too many raw vegetables, if I have a massive raw salad, I can feel it in my stomach, like my stomach doesn't like it. So just as raw as possible that you are, that you can handle. A lot of people can handle everything raw. So good, good for you, do that.
Steamed is the next best thing. And then also nothing over 325. If you're gonna put it in an oven or a slow cooker or whatever, I love slow cookers, or the air fryer or whatever, nothing over 325 Fahrenheit. Because if you go over 325 Fahrenheit or 160 Celsius... It like starts to kill everything and you will lose a lot of nutrients, so nothing over that.
Boiling is quite good because the boiling temperature is only 100, right? And it might get up to 120 or whatever, but it's not gonna go, like, exceed that level. But, make sure, it's only good if it's like a soup and you're gonna actually drink the soup. Because what happens when you boil it, is all the nutrients will leach out of it, right?
So you want those nutrients, so you gotta, you gotta drink the soup. Stay away from deep-fried food, obviously, deep fried is terrible, and you gotta watch out for the oils that you're using. Use time-restricted eating, right, which you might think of as sorry, I just had a mind blank, which you might think of as intermittent fasting, right?
So time-restricted eating, you want to try to have everything within a 10 to 8 to 10 hour window. You won't like at minimum 12, 12 hours break between maximum at like 16. So you can have more than 16, but 12 to 16 hours in between meals. Your last meal on your first meal is a good general guideline because you want to get into the survival fitness plan We don't really care about losing weight Because all everything if you follow the rules, you don't lose weight.
Anyway, but you're gonna It's more for autophagy. Autophagy. I don't know how to pronounce it. A u t o a u t o phagy p h a g y It's that's when your body does the cleanup of all the cells right and you need to go into that stage. So fasting is good. Do that at least three times a week. I do it every day.
Except ah, like once or twice a week I might miss it depending on the week and depending on what I'm doing. All right. So now we get down to the bones of it a bit. The list of what to eat, right? So you need complete proteins. You need 1. 5 grams per kilo. Now the standard they reckon is like 0. 8 0.
8 per kilo or 8 per pound. But if you want to grow, you want to be at 1. 5 grams per kilo, and 1. 8 per pound is about one and a half grams per kilo anyway. So the best meat that you can eat is grass-fed beef or lamb, right? The best vegetarian food is eggs, and the best vegan option is lentils and quinoa mixed, right?
So that's just a general guideline. I mean chicken's good value as well, but a lot of chemicals are pumped into it. So if it's, like, you want organic or, like, pastured animals, and apparently grass-fed beef or lamb is the best, or wild, like, I'd say I'd, like, wild meats are probably better game meat.
Anyway, unless you're going to go out and kill yourself, you don't really know, do you? Fruits and vegetables. So you want a minimum of 50 percent of your diet to be fruits and vegetables. Now this has already changed since I wrote this. I've already updated some stuff because I heard this interview on the Tim Ferriss podcast with one of my other favorite people in the field of movement.
Dr. Kelly Starrett. I'm not sure if he's a doctor. I think he is Dr. Kelly Starrett. Anyway, he wrote this book called The Supple Leopard and he's just brought out a new book Which I haven't started reading yet because I'm still reading Pediatrics, but after I get back there I'll start reading it and it's called Built to move and he's got he had some real interesting Concepts on nutrition, nothing new, it was actually real simple, so I'm going to change my things to the super simple version, which would just get enough protein, get enough water donate processed foods, and basically it, but if you wanted to get down to it, so, and then like, there's a certain amount he said to eat, I think it was 80 grams, or 800 grams of, 80 or 800, I think it's 80, it must be 800, 800 grams of fruits, oh, in my notes, I've got it, of fruits or vegetables a day.
Right? And that's quite a lot. So if you eat your required amount of protein, which is actually quite a lot, like you'll soon see, getting 1. 5 grams of protein, especially if you're a vegan. It's, it's a lot of food, and then, and then you're drinking your four and a half liters of water, or probably more, because I'm quite small, so you guys probably drink more, unless you're, well, you might be less than me, whatever three to six liters of water, let's just say in between there, plus your required amount of protein, plus your ten grams of, of fruits and vegetables per kilo, right, that's how I worked it out, so that's six hundred grams for me, you, that's quite a lot, you probably don't have room for a lot of bad stuff.
So there you go. There are fruits and vegetables that you should probably stay away from, and the main surprise for me was nightshades, right? You don't want any tomatoes or eggplants, but that's, I don't know, I still eat tomatoes and eggplants, I love them. Cruciferous vegetables are amazing. Make sure you cook them.
That's broccoli arugula. Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, all those sort of things, they're, they're good. Now, the trick to this is, apparently, and I read this in some book, yeah, more than a year ago, and it was by some guy that really, that was really pushing the plant-based diet to another doctor and it was really good.
He says that you should cut any cruciferous vegetables 40 minutes before cooking them because then that releases some enzymes. Because if you don't, then you won't get the full anti-cancer effects of cruciferous vegetables. So there you go. So cut them 40 minutes beforehand. And then also dark leafy greens, but not raw apparently, because if you eat them raw, you'll they've got lipoids or something, according to Dave Asprey.
I've gone off of Dave Asprey a bit, but I just think his science is probably pretty valid. I just don't like his attitude toward non-meat eaters. I mean, in my opinion, I know that eating meat's probably healthier and it's easier or whatever if you eat the right types of meat. But he anyway, I don't want to slag anyone off.
But, I still listen to him. He's still got good information and I read his book. So a lot of that comes from this. Berries is awesome. Berries are amazing mushrooms. I'm a big fan of mushrooms. Lots of adaptogens. Depending on the type of mushroom. And there you go. And I love mushrooms. Alright, snacks, sides and condiments.
So, avocado oil. Right? Olive oil, if you it's, apparently if it's from Italy, it's not that good, but if you get it from Spain, it's a lot better, or California, apparently, is pretty good as well. The reason it's not that good from Italy, even though it should be the best, one of the best, is because they do a lot of stuff to it before they export it, apparently.
Anyway, so, avocado oil is a good way to go, and there are other types of oils you can read the book, or get the bulletproof, bulletproof diet, it tells you all the good books, or you just look it up online, there's a lot of stuff like that. No wheat. But most other flowers are fine, right? No wheat.
This is a big one. And it's caused by gluten. And everyone, and I used to be one of those people, like, everyone's gluten-free, blah, blah, blah. But it's actually the gluten's not good for you. So, try to take it easy on the wheat. Other flowers do just as good as joey. Chickpea flowers almond flowers.
Or like, there are heaps of other flowers out there. Just, just try to stay away from wheat. I think one of the main reasons is because it's so massively produced, they have the short wheat is like really, Really terrible. Eat lots and lots and lots of herbs and spices because they're amazing. Herbs and spices.
Turmeric, preka, oregano, basil. Ah, so many and they're so good and they make your foods taste so nice and you get lots of good stuff from them. All right, here we go. Creating your meal plan. So your breakfast shake coming in from the last episode, right, also includes Supplements, which you can take with your shake or whenever it's best according to the manufacturer or there's some things this is a vegan shake, and alright, so you've got protein powder from Garden of Life, complete plant-based raw protein make sure it's got BCAAs on it, that's my recommendation, so I'm gonna give you the stuff that's in it, then I'm gonna give you my recommendation, and all these can be found on Amazon, and if you have a look at the, the nutrition plan online, it's got a link or whatever, alright, so you can get straight to it Urolithin A by Ren A U I, right?
The original was by Mito Pure, but it was just super expensive. And this is actually, if you look at the ingredients of Ren A U I, you know, it's got the, the, it is Mito Pure, it's just in a different bottle. And it's got some, it's got something else with it, so they, it's not, like, they've mixed a little bit.
But. They mixed it with something that's like additional, like it's not bad. I guess it just put, pulls down the purity a little bit, and then they charge a little bit less or a lot less, in fact. All right, Super Greens. Now, this was a tough decision between this and Athletic Greens, but in the end, I went with Enzo Super Greens because Athletic Greens had added sweeteners and stuff I wasn't a, I wasn't fan of, and, and Athletic Greens is super expensive.
If you buy Super Greens, Enzo Super Greens on a subscription and in the biggest bag, it becomes way, way, way cheaper, so that's what I do. MCT oil, right? I like Anthony's MCT powder, but the other one I like is if I'm going to get it in oil form, which is actually better, but I just like the powder for some reason.
The Vita Trading Company, C8 MCT, oh that's a pretty good deal. D3 plus K2 minerals, trace minerals, liquid iconic vitamin D3, and K2 from trace minerals. Omega 3 from Thorne, Super EPA, right? Get your Omega 3s from there. Cacao beans, again, or cacao nibs, I should say, again, from Anthony's, right? You can get raw cocoa as well.
The powder, well, the thing is with nibs is that it's got the, the fat content, and that's, that's really good, so you get some of them. Concentrate... Concentrase drops magnesium. Concentrase drops by That's by... Concentrate. It's by trace. Yeah, that's real. So it's got a bunch of minerals in it. And trace minerals, which a lot of people don't get.
Magnesium, which is really good. Helps you sleep, calms your nerves, and all that sort of stuff. Lots of people are very low on magnesium. By pure encapsulations. Make sure that's magnesium glycinate. There is another magnesium, so if you are constipated, you can take the other one. But for most people, magnesium glycinate is the way to go.
Probiotics and enzymes, I get the P three om and enzymes bundle from bio optimizes, right? They're that's a good, it's a really good brand. The adaptogens are from stat seven mushroom powder, so that's got seven mushrooms. It's got all, your adaptogens in it. So the original version was like, My original version, the original version like his version from the book was like 17, over 17.
My tweaked version was 10 and this latest version is 8. 25 if you're buying consumer bulk. By consumer bulk I mean you buy their largest bag and then you divide it. Which is worth it because if you're going to do it every day, right, so it's 8. 25. It's not bad And I'm actually the latest version. So that's why this isn't even the latest version.
I've got another version That's even that I'm updated again. It's about the same, but there are a couple of different things in there Anyway, I'll give that to you once I have it fully Done, done, done. I'll go through all this again, but it won't be for a while. I want to get off the nutrition subject for a while.
I've been doing a lot of posts on it. So we'll get into something new next week. Anyway, all right. So the main meals besides the breakfast shake, which everyone should have, most people will eat another two to four main meals a day probably. I myself eat another two, sometimes three. All right. So the main thing you need to know is how to How to consume enough protein, because most people don't get enough protein.
So ideally you want to spread it out fairly evenly over your eating window, alright? So step one, figure out how much protein you need per meal. So, first of all, how much do you weigh in kilograms? For example, I weigh 60 kilograms, right? And then you multiply that figure by 1. 5, because you need 1. 5 grams per kilo, if you remember from the start, right?
And then, you subtract, you subtract 25 because the breakfast shake gives you about 25 grams of protein. And this is how much protein you need to consume for the rest of the day. So, once you've got that figure, how many main meals do you typically eat besides the breakfast shake? Yup, so you know that, so I already said I eat like three.
Two actually, I eat two besides the breakfast shake usually. Now divide the amount of protein by the number of meals, right? And then, create your main meals. So you check out the complete list of proteins. You choose one or two and consume the amount you need. Additionally, choose two or three vegetables from the fruit and vegetable list and eat as much of them as you want, right?
Use lots of herbs and spices when cooking. The easiest thing to do will be to eat the same lunch every day, which is, you probably do this anyway, to be fair. A lot of people just take a sandwich with the lunch or whatever. All right, and then you can check out the recipe section for ideas. Now the recipe section online has a bunch of recipes on it you can have a look at that.
Alright, so, in step three, the last step is to snack when needed. So after you consume your required amount of protein vegetables, and water, right, you'll probably find you don't really need snacks. But if you do, opt for more vegetables, berries, and protein, I literally just tried out a new recipe from Arnold Schwarzenegger, it's not new, I tried it out once, like a couple of months ago, and I got it through his newsletter, it's a brilliant newsletter by the way, it's called the Daily Pump.
And he's got a podcast out as well now, but I haven't listened to it yet, but I will do. And you, it's basically one scoop of protein powder one tablespoon of nut butter, almond butter, I would advise, 100 percent natural or any other nut butter, but not peanut butter, although peanut butter is delicious, it's, the other nut butters are better.
So, one scoop of protein powder. If you've got a flavored one, that's fine. I don't have a flavored one, or I've got vanilla, but I don't have vanilla. So what I also do is I put in a tablespoon of chocolate cocoa, like pure cacao powder, put that in there, and then a splash of almond milk. Or whatever milk you want.
And then and then I also put a dabble of honey, pure honey in there, because I like it a little bit sweeter, and then you mix it around. And then you put it in the freezer for like half an hour, and it turns into ice cream. Now, I tried it the first time, but I didn't have the chocolate powder or whatever, or the honey, and I didn't really like it that much.
But I'm trying it again, and after I finish recording this, I'm going go eat it. So there you go. Don't forget to draw. So here's a real-life example. I weigh 60 kilos. 60 times 1. 5 grams per kilo of protein equals 90. So I need 90 grams of protein a day. Minus 25 for the shake. So I need 65 more grams of protein.
Alright? So, I'm going to do this as a vegetarian. Since that's a little more complex. If you're a meat eater, it's a little bit easier. But as a vegetarian, I'm going to take into consideration that vegetarian proteins are not as high in protein. So I'm going to consume another hemp protein drink or eat Arnold's ice cream, right?
Like I said because that gives me another scoop of protein, right? That Arnold's ice cream, that's another... So I've got 25 grams of protein right there. Boom. Alternatively, I can add an additional scoop to the breakfast drink. But that makes it a bit too thick for me, so I don't do it. So, 65 takes 25. So 65 grams of protein, is how much I need.
Take 25, so that's the extra scoop or the Arnold's ice cream. So now I have 40 grams of protein to consume. I eat an extra 2 meals a day, besides the breakfast shake and the protein ice cream. I've got another 2 main meals. So I need another 20 grams of protein. Again, for simplicity, I've chosen quinoa, buckwheat, or brown rice as the base, and I'm going to combine them with either lentils or eggs, and that's it, right?
I can add Corella or whatever if I want an extra boost, but I don't really need it. Then I'm just going to add a bunch of different vegetables and condiments and use various methods of cooking to give plenty of variety, and that's basically it. To get 20 grams of protein, here's what I need. Either one cup of lentils with half a cup of quinoa, buckwheat, or brown rice, right?
So one cup of lentils with half a cup of quinoa or two large eggs with one cup of quinoa, buckwheat, or brown rice. So for reference, one large egg is approximately 6 grams of protein and a cup of lentils is approximately 18 grams of protein. A cup of cooked buckwheat is approximately 6 grams of protein.
A cup of brown rice is approximately 5 grams of protein. A cup of quinoa is approximately 8 grams of protein. Remember when I said before what the best, the best combination was? It was, I think it was quinoa and lentils, right? If you have a cup of quinoa and a cup of lentils, that's 26 grams of protein.
It's a lot, though. That's two cups of food, right? That's... And it makes me, yeah, it's quite a lot. But it's it's a good meal. 25 grams of protein, smash, right there. And that means in the next one, you only need 20, you have a couple of eggs and some rice. There you go. And there's a bunch, alright, so that's it.
And there's a bunch of recipes using the recommended food, but there's a lot, it's not, it's not boring. You've got pizza, taco, curry, protein ice cream, and more, right, in the recipe section. Also, I'll, I'll, I add to that all the time as well as I learn new stuff. Like the other day, I think I was like, oat pank, oat bread.
And my mum used to make oat bread, and it was really friggin nice. So oat bread with, I don't know, some honey or whatever. Ah, delicious. Alright, that's it for today guys.
Don't forget, don't just get fit, get survival fit. Download the app today: And in there, like, you'll get the bonus of the nutrition plan.
You can see it up to date. Cause this one's, even this is like, I only wrote this like two days ago and I've updated it since then. And after I finish reading Peter Adia's book, I'm gonna update it again. And then I'm gonna read, dr. Kelly Starrett's book and I'm going to update that. And then there's another book I want to read, it's called Gut Health, and then I'm going to update it again. And lots of information out there, things constantly changing.
Alright, like, subscribe and share. Take a screenshot if you're listening to the podcast, take a screenshot of the thing and share it with your mates. It's the best way to support us and get the word about the Survival Fitness Plan out there.
That's it guys, thanks for tuning in and I'll see you again next time. Bye.
Train yourself to out-run, out-fight, and out-live the majority of the worldโs population with the Survival Fitness Plan!
Driven by a passion for fitness and a commitment to helping men worldwide stay fit and capable, Sam formulated a plan that will get anyone to out-run, out-fight, and out-live the majority of the world's population.
As an avid traveler, he sought a solution that didn't require expensive gym memberships or exclusive clubs โ that any man, anywhere, could take and improve his fitness straight away.
Now, after nearly two decades of relentless training, refining, simplifying, and perfecting the Survival Fitness Plan, Sam is eager to share this transformative program with the world.
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