Healing at Lightning Speed: Accelerating Healing Techniques for Physical Training Injuries

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While prevention is always better than cure, injuries can be an inevitable part of pushing our physical boundaries. But what if there were ways to bounce back faster and stronger?

From the science of myofascial massage to the benefits of cryotherapy, we'll explore a range of techniques and strategies that can aid in swift recovery.

Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just someone looking to optimize their recovery process, this episode is packed with insights and actionable tips to help you get back on track.

Join us as we unravel the secrets to recovering faster from training injuries.

Train yourself to out-run, out-fight, and out-live the majority of the world’s population with the Survival Fitness Plan! Start the challenge today! https://www.survivalfitnessplan.com/challenge

This podcast is available from most major podcast hosts, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.


00:00:00 Introduction

02:09:04 Injury prevention

03:04:22 The three things you can do

03:49:53 Myofascial massage

04:32:07 Desensitization

05:05:66 Correcting movement patterns

05:52:78 Active recovery

06:24:55 Decongestion

08:11:70 Cryotherapy

09:40:87 Reperfusion

10:24:16 Contrast therapy

10:51:10 Biohacking

21:01:66 Closing


Hi guys, Sam Fury here with another episode of the Survival Fitness Plan. The only program where you will train yourself to outrun, outfight, and outlive the majority of the world's population. Today's episode, we're going to talk about rapid recovery. So accelerating healing for physical training injuries.

Which is pretty important in the Survival Fitness Plan. Because... Although we're not athletes by any means you may get injured. Especially if you don't take the proper precautions. Of course, this may change again. Now I've started reading Kelly Starrett's latest book, which is called Built to Move.

I'm still, I'm actually still on Peter Attia's book, which is called I think it's called Live Longer, or Outlive, or something like that. Anyway that's pretty interesting, but that's more about staving off the four biggest diseases, the four biggest killers being cancer, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, and there's one other which I'm not up to yet, so I don't, can't remember what it is.

I haven't read about it yet. But Dr. Kelly's Therapy is more importantly, not more importantly, but differently, and probably more Relative, immediately relative to the survival fitness plan is about movement and how to prevent injuries and some things like that. So, I'll take that into account when I get to it and I'll update the, because, and I'll update stuff, right?

So, this is taken directly from the rapid recovery report, which you get free when you get the app, which is also free for 30 days, right? And of course, if you get that, then when I learn new information, I update it, so you get it all for free. Actually, it's part of the movement chapter in the Pillars of Longevity Living eBook.

You can also have the opportunity to get you when you get the app. Alright, so if you want to get the app, www.survivalfitnessplan.com forward slash app, it's free for 30 days. And then after that, it's ridiculously cheap. So, go have a go at it for 30 days.

 Alright, so first we'll go over some general methods and then we'll get into some body hacking type of stuff.

So these are for minor injuries, like if you twig something. If you're unsure if you've got a major injury, if something's unstable, being unstable means, for example, you can't, you, you twist an ankle, you can't walk on it go see a professional. This is for minor, minor, minor injuries. Not, I didn't mean to say minor three times.

It's for minor injuries, alright? So of course, the best way to fix an injury is to prevent it in the first place, and we do that via warming up. So make sure you warm up before any vigorous exercise. And then also make sure you stretch afterward. And you can use myofascial release and we'll get more into myofascial release to healing tweaks of the body.

All right. So according to Dr. Kelly Starrett, and I'm sure it's not according to just him, but this is who I learned it from. He's got an amazing YouTube channel as well, by the way, called at the ready state.

There are three things you can do to help. with your pain when you get injured and by this I mean non, non-chemical interferences.

So like, don't take ibuprofen or, which actually I've been reading lately that has, in more than one spot, that when you take anti-inflammatories it actually makes healing time longer. So unless you really, really, really need it for the pain, I wouldn't take it. Alright, so there are three steps.

Desensitization. decongestion and reperfusion, right? So let's go over them one by one. Desensitization basically reduces sensitivity in the area, right? In the injured area here or the painful area if it's not super injured. Here are some methods, okay?

The first thing you can do is to loosen tight or restricted soft tissues and that's actually my facial massage, right?

So do it above and below the area of pain. For example, if you have shin splints, Then you need to myofascial massage, probably your whole upper leg, right? And around the shin as well, like the muscles around the shin, right? But also like your ankle and your feet, right? Usually, it's painful because the other muscles are tight.

So do above and below and do it on it as well. And for those injuries that are especially painful where you can't do myofascial massage on it, that's why you do above and below as well, right? So there you go.

 The second thing for desensitization is to improve joint mobility, right? So you do what they call banded joint mobilization and stretching, right?

And you can go to YouTube. com forward slash at the ready state so that little Aruba, the at sign, the ready state forward slash, and then run a search for banded joint mobilization and stretching and you will see some examples of how to do that, okay? It's pretty hard to explain. When I don't actually show you, especially on a podcast, go have a look at that.

Alright, the next thing to do is to correct movement patterns. A lot of time, people get injured just because they're, or they, things start to, just because they're not moving correctly. Right, so, all you gotta do is retrain your body to move in a less, in sorry, more efficient, and less painful way.

For example, I used to get pain in the neck all the time, it's because I was doing plyometric exercises and I wasn't tightening my core. I wasn't doing them properly. A lot of people, when they, if they get up wrong, like if you're sitting on a seat and you're twisting and you try to stand up while you're twisting, that might tweak something, right?

It's because you're not moving properly. Alright. You can do progressive loading, which is to gradually reintroduce weight and stress to the injured area. So like, it's injured it's like, it's like that thing where it's like, walk it off.

This leads to the next one, which is active recovery. So, right.

So engaging in other low-impact activities that don't aggravate the injury anymore such as walking. Right. So if you're, if your shoulders busted from lifting or whatever, maybe you just go for a light swim, as long as it doesn't hurt your shoulder anymore. It's actually quite good for it because it gets it moving, gets the blood flow all that sort of stuff, and progressive loading.

Once it's ready, you can start to like, do smaller weights and gradually get bigger and bigger and bigger.

 Alright, let's move on to the next one, which is decongestion. And you're gonna notice that some of the techniques overlap. Because they're good in more ways than one, decongestion relieves swelling and congestion, as it as the name suggests, in the effective area.

So here are the methods for that. The first one is elevation. Right, so if you raise the affected area, like your swollen arm above your heart, right, to promote fluid, fluid drainage, and this is not a new thing, right, we've been doing, rice is rest, ice, compression, elevation, a lot of, some people, a lot of people think rice is wrong, but they still, elevation is still in there, it's still good, right, if you get cut on your finger, You want to hold your hand up high in the air so the blood drains away from it, right?

Same sort of principle, it's just with the inflamed area of an injury, right? The next thing is compression, which is in RICE also. Wrap the affected bandage with an ace bandage, right? Wrap, and rub the area with an ace bandage. An ace bandage is just one of those bandages that you see all the time. If you get an injury, they'll wrap it around like one of those wraps.

But don't do it too tight, right, because you don't want to, you want to restrict the blood flow, you don't want to cut it, cut it completely off, right? So just be careful with this one because every, actual wrap that you do is gonna, is gonna add a tightness. It's gonna make it tighter even if you don't feel it.

So if you want to get really serious about this thing, you can buy pneumatic compression devices and, they compress the area. In fact, the other... About a month ago, more, little, little bit more than a month ago, I went to one of these kinds of biohacking facilities that's not what they called it, but that's what, in my mind, that's what it was, we went there initially for ice what was it called?

 Cryo, cryotherapy, right? You go into the big ice chamber and it cools down your body to, Get rid of inflammation and all that. And they had these big compression boots, right? And you can put them on and it compresses your muscles. And actually, I didn't have any injuries and it felt really good.

So with an injury, I imagine it does quite well. Alright, the next thing you can do is manual lymphatic drainage. So, this is like... You can, you can go see a lymphatic masseuse, right? There are professionals out there that do it. Or you can do it yourself with trigger point myofascial massage, right?

We got a lot of that in the survival fitness plan. So make sure you do it above and below the injury. So we were talking about that before, right?

Also, you could try gua sha, which is like an ancient Chinese therapy. You get like a piece of wood or a piece of bone or whatever. You can go, you can look up gua sha, G U A S H A.

And then you just scrape your skin with it, right? And that gets the lymphatic system moving. So, manual lymphatic drainage. In fact, walking or movement, gets the lymphatic system moving as well. But this is just another way of doing it, right? Movement. So, use the gentle, low-impact exercise we talked about before.

Because it does lymphatic, right? It gets the lymphatic flow. So, movement works in a number of ways, which is why it's good for it. That's why active recovery, that's why we use... Active recovery in the survival fitness plan. So even on your, on your rest day, you're still doing something, right? And reperfusion.

 So the last, the last of the three is reperfusion. Reperfusion actually restores blood flow to the affective area, right? And mind you, these, these, these things aren't in order necessarily, but usually, you drain something, then you gotta re, re, restore the blood flow to the affective area. And the method to do that is heat therapy.

Right, you can get a heating pad or a warm towel in the affective area or just have a warm bath or whatever. Just get a heat, get it heated. Active and passive range of motion is when you gently move the effective area through your full range of motion. So it's kind of like active recovery, but it's just a bit more one point if that makes sense.

It's a bit more focused on what you're actually doing. So you're just trying to get your body to move in the range of motion that it should be moving in.

 Contrast therapy is when you alternate between hot and cold, right? So that's like, you go into a sauna for 10 minutes, and then you run out into the snow, right?

Or you can go take an ice bath for a minute or two minutes afterward. And the Swedes have been, not the Swedes, but the Scandinavians, which I guess Swedes are, Scandinavians have been doing this for years and years and years and years and years, and now you see that all these biohackers, they're all like, Oh yeah, let's do that, right?

It's coming around. Including myself, I'm like, oh, I didn't know that. So good for that.

 All right. So now we get into some hacks. So not all these are considered biohacks, but I just lump them in biohacks because it's a good way to do things. So it's some of the latest science-based methods of injury recovery, right?

But I don't include very important things like sleep, nutrition, or stress management. But if you optimize these, they will definitely speed up your recovery since your body will be functioning better as a whole, and when your body functions better as a whole, you'll heal faster, right?

Especially sleep and nutrition stress management, yeah, all these things, right? So make sure that you've got your body right, and you can see the individual section, individual sections on these different pillars of longevity for more information, if you get the Pillars of Longevity, or just go, go get the app, and you'll get them for free, right?

A blood flow restriction. So b f R, right? So this is the first one. Blood flow restriction. So if you restrict blood flow to your working muscles during low-intensity resistance exercise, that might not make much sense. So this a, but this is what you do, right? You wrap a band, a cuff, or a band or whatever proximally, which means closer to the torso, right around the affected limb to partially restrict blood flow to the working muscles, right?

So that means if I've got a sore Forearm, for example, I want to, I want to wrap it around my shoulder, okay, because it's proximally closer to my heart or to my torso. If I've got a sore calf, I want to wrap my upper leg, right? That's what I want to do. And I want to wrap it at 50 to 60 percent 70 to 80 percent because of the leg.

Because you don't want to cut off the blood flow, right? You just want to restrict it and you and the leg can handle a lot more than the arm. So that's why there's a difference in percentage there. Alright, so then you want to do 30 seconds or 30 reps of work, right? So for example, I'm going to wrap my, let's say I've got a busted, I tore my calf or whatever.

I'm going to wrap my calf wrap my upper leg, right? And then I'm going to do maybe 30 seconds worth of heel raises, right? And then I'm going to rest for 30 seconds. Then I'm going to do 15 seconds of heel raises. And then I'm going to rest for 30 seconds. And then I'm going to do another 15, and then I'm going to rest for 30 seconds.

And that is known as blood flow restriction, right? So remember those numbers. 30, 30 work, 30 rest. 15 work, 30 rest. And then 15 work, 30 rest, right? And. Yeah. So you can look up more at that if you go to YouTube or just type into wherever blood flow restriction. I'll tell you about that. Alright.

The next thing is cryotherapy and I just talked about this before. Cryotherapy is a therapeutic, therapeutic, I guess, technique that involves going into extreme cold temperatures for a short period of time. And this promotes well-being in a number of ways, including reducing inflammation. It's also good for reducing pain, increasing circulation, and helping injuries, right?

So you can do it for a whole body, like in a chamber, like I did a few weeks ago, or like a month ago, or you can do it locally, right? There's a local one, and if I had a specific injury, I'd probably have asked to get that done, but I haven't seen it yet, right? And these big chambers are filled with cold air, or liquid nitrogen, or whatever.

And it's amazing if you've got access to it, but if you don't, you can just do an ice bath, right? Or, if you don't want to fill up your bath full of ice every day because it's a hassle just take a cold shower, right? Do that. Or if you live somewhere where it's super cold, run outside and do a snow angel naked, or...

Keep some clothes on. You don't want, you don't want to get arrested. All right. All right. The next thing is infrared saunas. So infrared saunas use infrared light to heat the body directly rather than the air around it like traditional saunas do. Actually the technology apparently, I don't know how I can scientifically back this up, but I'm sure other people have penetrated deeper into the skin, right?

For the kind of like relaxation, pain relief, pre circulation, all that sort of work for obviously we're using it for pain relief and Like so, and actually a relaxation of the, of the tight muscles will help as well, so it's good for intra recovery. Also, I guess because they operate at lower temperatures, a lot of people find them more comfortable to use, because you don't get that full sweat on, right?

It's an infrared, it's infrared. It's like heating you up on, inside, like a, I don't want to say like a microwave, because that denotes bad things. Yeah. Alright, the next thing is photobiomodulation. It's kind of just a really fancy word to say red light therapy, right? Or near infrared therapy. It's not infrared.

But it's like, so if you've got access to that, it's known to reduce inflammation accelerate tissue healing, and relieve pain. So when these red light wavelengths penetrate into the skin, they activate the cellular processes that promote recovery and repair.

One of the last ones we're going to talk about, and this is electrical stimulation, and this might not be available, like, I guess if you really want to go, you could buy a machine and have it at home or whatever, or you could just go it's doctors and that do it, right, physios might use it so there's a few options here, one of them's called Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy, or PEMF, PEMF therapy it uses low-frequency pulsing, To stimulate cellular processes, right?

That includes blood flow, that includes healing, blah, blah, blah, blah. And the primary aim is to enhance overall cellular function as well as address, like, inflammation and tissue repair and things like that, right? The next type of electrical therapy is Electrical Muscle Stimulation. Electrical Muscle Stimu or EMS, you might have heard about this one before.

They deliver electrical impulses directly into the muscle causing them to contract. Have you ever seen the movie Dragon? Right, it's about Bruce Lee and he's sitting there. And he's typing away his script and he's got all these diodes hanging off him and it's going... That is this, right? This is commonly used to, you know build muscle strength, improve tone, increase blood flow to the muscles, and support rehabilitation after injury or surgery, right?

Additionally, it may prevent muscle atrophy due to disuse or immobilization. So if you are in a terrible, terrible accident... And if you're bedridden, or whatever, you might be able to use this just to prevent your muscles from deteriorating completely. Alright, and the last one I want to talk about is called TENS, which is Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Simulation, so TENS for short.

What this does is it delivers mild electrical impulses into nerves through the skin using the pads or whatever, right? It's primarily for pain management, or for blocking pain signals from reaching the brain, right, and then it also stimulates endorphins which are the body's natural pain buds.

Ah, it's not the last one. I do have one more. It's called HBOT, so Hyperbaric Oxantherapy, and this is not This is more for brain trauma injuries, right? So if you get a head trauma or a concussion, you might wanna consider HBOT, which is a medical procedure, right? And so don't try to do it yourself, go to a doctor.

Even though you can buy personal machines for this, I wouldn't, I wouldn't try it unless you've done it a few times and really know what you're doing. Basically, it's inhaling pure oxygen in a pressurized room or chamber, right? And this increased oxygen may, so this is a may, like they haven't proven this yet, improve cellular function or reduce inflammation and accelerate healing of brain tissue, right?

But, I've, I've heard some interviews with like MMA fighters and like professional athletes, they get concussions and they use all this. All right, the last thing we want to talk about is exome. I don't know if I said that right, it's exome or exome, it's spelled E X O S O M E and stem cell therapy, right?

So... I'm not sure if this is available in the United States yet, or in Australia, or in England, or any of these, but you can definitely do it in, like, Mexico, right? So exomes are small vesicles, vessels, containing proteins, lipids, and genetic material released by cells to facilitate communication to promote healing, right?

So if you've got I don't know if it's a muscular injury or, for example, Some kind of broken lining in your stomach or whatever, right? This may help. Exome therapy may help. Stem cell therapy, on the other hand, so this is the difference, utilizes undifferentiated cells with the potential to differentiate into various specialized cell types for tissue repair and regeneration.

So they're both kind of exciting therapies, right? And they're known as regenerative medicine. So it's like your body regenerating itself, right? And, yeah, it's like exciting for degenerative diseases, tissue injuries, chronic inflammation, all that sort of stuff. But that's a bit more experimental.

 So there you go that is all for today. I hope you guys learned something and you try some of those. Probably, if I was you, I would definitely try the, first, three at the start, right? Like, just like, the normal ones. Not, not that the others aren't normal, but the... The ones that are like, definitely, definitely proven to work, right, like compression.

Elevation, trying to just move your body through a range of motion and all that. And then you can also try something like cryotherapy I know is really good. Heat therapy, like, it's not going to do any harm, right? And it might do a hell of a lot of good if you do red light therapy and stuff like that. For the others, for the last few...

Like, for example, stem cell therapy and all that, you definitely need to see a doctor about that sort of stuff. Hybot, even though, and the electrical stuff, even though you probably can do it yourself at home just research it a bit more, don't like, jump straight into it, because you might do yourself some damage.

You don't want to do that, you're trying to heal! The whole podcast is about healing.

Alright. Don't forget, don't just get fit, get survival fit.

Download the app today, www.survivalfitnessplan.com/app.

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That's it for today guys. Thanks again for tuning in and I'll speak to you again next time. Bye.

Meet Sam Fury

Driven by a passion for fitness and a commitment to helping men worldwide stay fit and capable, Sam formulated a plan that will get anyone to out-run, out-fight, and out-live the majority of the world's population.

As an avid traveler, he sought a solution that didn't require expensive gym memberships or exclusive clubs — that any man, anywhere, could take and improve his fitness straight away.

Now, after nearly two decades of relentless training, refining, simplifying, and perfecting the Survival Fitness Plan, Sam is eager to share this transformative program with the world.

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