How to Elevate Your Strength Game

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In today's episode, we dive deep into the world of strength training, a journey that promises to enhance your physical prowess and understanding of the human body.

From the essentials of warming up to mastering complex exercises like muscle-ups, we'll guide you through the intricacies of sets, tracking progress, and the importance of diverse muscle group training.

Whether you're a novice looking to start or an experienced athlete aiming to refine your regimen, this comprehensive guide offers insights into exercises like dumbbell rolls, plyometric squats, and even no-bar alternatives.

Stay tuned as we unravel the secrets to building a stronger, more resilient you.

Imagine possessing the skills and stamina to face any danger head-on. It starts here ā€“ are you up for the 6-week Survival Fitness Plan Challenge?

This podcast is available from most major podcast hosts, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.


00:00:00 Introduction

01:58:26 SFP Strength Training

02:53:91 Warming Up

04:08:63 Sets and Capacity

05:43:63 Tracking Your Progress

06:21:21 Metabolic Training

06:56:30 Muscle Groups

08:34:31 Muscle Ups

09:16:13 Sample Progression

09:43:05 Chest Pull-Ups

10:01:70 Muscle Ups with Resistance

11:52:43 Dumbbell Rolls

12:12:30 Resistance Bands

12:41:30 Dumbbell Rows

12:58:10 Plyometric Squats

15:14:04 Chin Ups

17:36:19 No Bar Alternatives

18:34:27 Burpees

20:00:25 Hanging Leg Raises

20:56:43 Sample Progression

21:52:62 Push Ups

23:14:34 Quick Recap

25:37:72 Closing


Mini Trampoline

The Survival Fitness Plan is much more than a fitness program. Take the challenge today and level up your life!


Hi guys, Sam Fury here with another episode of the Survival Fitness Plan, the only program where you will train yourself to outrun, outfight, and outlive the majority of the world's population. Today we're going to be talking about Strength Training 2. 0. And it's pretty apt because when I say Strength Training 2. 0, it's because I talked about strength. The importance of strength training and the benefits and stuff like that a few weeks ago. So you can check that, episode out if you want. But today's is because we've updated the strength training in the app. So if you, if you have that app it would have got pushed out a couple of days ago.

And there's another big change coming up, which I just thought about this morning. So I'll let you let you figure that one out when it comes out. We'll talk about it later. But today. I think you might remember a couple of days ago, a couple of episodes ago, when I first came to Santa Marta, which is where I am at the moment, I said one of my goals was to be able to do a muscle up and my aim was to do at least one muscle up before I left.

And I've still got two weeks here and I did one today. So I'm way ahead of schedule, which is cool. I think a lot of it has to do with muscle memory because I have a lot of muscle up, yeah, you need the strength, but it's also the technique. And because I was able to do muscle-ups before. Like years and years and years ago.

I think maybe I've got muscle memory. Just a theory, don't know if it's true, but I'm pretty happy with it. So I did a muscle up today. And so maybe, hopefully, before I leave here, I can do 2 or even 3 in a row. That'd be pretty cool. On my way to, being able to do 25, which is the, the ultimate, the ultimate goal for muscle ups in this whole fitness plan.

Whether I ever make it or not is a different story, but... I feel like doing the first one's the hardest, doing the second one is still hard, doing your third, doing your fourth is harder, and then, but then doing from three to five is probably not as hard, and then from five to ten, like, it's as hard as getting your first one, and then from ten to twenty, and twenty to twenty-five.

So, we'll see how that goes.

ā€ŠAnyway, so, like I said, we're doing strength training 2. 0 as today's episode, because the routine's changed, and I want to share it with you. So, Our strength exercises in the Spiral Fitness Plan are actually carefully chosen to build strength and function for things that will help you outrun and outfight the majority of the world's population, right?

So any strength training obviously helps you outlive so it's very important. So that's where the outlive part comes in because all strength training does that. You can do any strength training. But we have exercises specifically chosen, obviously designed, they're classic exercises as you'll see, to help you outrun and outfight.

So this is why we do them and how we train them, not how to actually do the exercise. If you want, if you want to actually learn how to do the exercise, like the technique, I'll just go look it up on YouTube or get the app. Don't worry about YouTube, get the app. All right, cool.

ā€ŠSo first of all, we've got to do a warmup, right? So we've got strength training built into the warmup. If you do the Mini Tramp I highly recommend getting one of those Mini Tramps and doing the Mini Tramp routine for the warm-up. Of course, like, even I don't have one while I'm traveling, but it is, it is really good because the Mini Tramp builds strength.

But also does a bunch of other stuff like, I think I've talked about it before, what is good cardio. It's good for your mitochondria, right? Gets everything activated. And if you've only got 10 minutes a day, the mini-tramp is the way to go. And in this whole fitness plan app, if you choose the mini-tramp option it'll tell you which exercises to do, right?

Or if it doesn't at the moment, it will do in future updates. So... Yeah, and if you don't have that, just follow the, follow the warmup in the app. There are also a couple of warmups depending on, depending on what you're doing. And so the strength training day will have its own special warmup to focus more on strength training stuff.

All right, cool. So make sure you do a warmup. That's the that's the point of that.

So that's the training plan in your first strength training session. What you do is you do as many reps as you can in good form.

ā€ŠAlright? In your second session, you do three sets of 80 percent capacity. Alright? If your form starts to falter, then do fewer reps each set.

So for example, let's say I can do 30 push-ups. Like, just to make the maths easy, alright? Let's say the first time you try to do push-ups, you can do 100. So... Actually, no, it's because the goal is a hundred, so let's scrap that, sorry. Let's say the first time you do it, you can do 20, right? So 80 percent of 20, 70 percent of of 10, ah, 16, right?

So then you're gonna do 3 sets of 16. And so you do 16, and then, so let's say on your second, your second set, you can't, you can't do 16, right? You can only do 14, well then you do 14. Alright, and then you keep going. And then, every, every session after that, Like so far, if this session I do 16, then next session I'm just going to do 17 per set, right?

And then every week I just add one. I'm just adding one, and eventually, I'll be able to get to like, 3 sets of 40, which is 120 push-ups. The goal is only 100, right? If I do 3 sets of 30, it's not, 3 sets of 35 is 105. And then I'll try to do maybe 2 sets of 50, and that's my aim. And then eventually I'll be able to do like 100, right?

So once you have achieved the goal, You want to work towards doing them in two sets and then one set. And then once you can do the goal in one set, you can progress further by adding resistance, either with a resistance band or a rucksack filled with weights or something like that, right?

ā€ŠAlso and then make sure you record your progress in the app, which is actually currently this morning I started putting tracking capabilities into the app So you'll be able to write in your tracking straight away, right? How many push-ups you did do today? How many muscle-ups you did do today?

How many whatever? All right, so that's the overall training plan So next is you want the order of exercises to be important All right So the order of exercises that we give you to make sure you don't the reason is that is because you don't want to do like arms and arms and arms because we have minimal rest in between, right?

ā€ŠSo what we're actually doing is metabolic training. I mean, I didn't design it purposely to be metabolic training, but it's just a good coincidence, right? For those of you who don't know, metabolic training is performing a series of exercises in a circle with little to no rest in between exercises.

And when you do this, it creates an afterburn effect where the body will continue to burn calories and fat for hours after the workout. It's actually great for weight loss, but that's not why we use it. But it's just, it's a, it's a nice bonus if you wanna shed some, some weight. We use it because it's an effective and time-efficient way to improve your overall fitness.

ā€ŠSo, The order, the exercises are in the order that they are so that specific muscles and groups can get a rest before they're worked again. Because we don't actually take a rest or you try not to. So let's say you do pull-ups and then you do chin-ups, which is what used to be the result. You just do pull-ups first and then you do chin-ups straight after where your arms are getting blasted.

So now you're doing pull-ups first and then you're doing like something for your legs after and then you go to chin ups and then you do something different and then you go back to arms, right? My advice is to rest for no longer than 20 seconds between sets. And if you need anything longer, no more than one minute, and do it between the rounds.

So, between sets I mean like, let's say, for example, chin-ups or pull-ups, right? And then after pull-ups, I believe it's Like plyometric jumps like lateral bounds or something like precision jumping or jump squats, right? So if you need a rest between then between the muscle ups and the jump squats.

Make sure it's no more than 20 seconds. 20 seconds max, preferably a lot less, right? And if you need a rest, a longer rest, do it at the end of the set. So, let's say you're doing 3 rounds, do it at the end of the round. So you do all, I think it's 5 or 6 exercises. And then rest before doing, so the first exercise is pull-ups, you do pull-ups, chin-ups, blah, blah, blah.

And then before doing pull-ups the second time, then you can have a little rest. Make sure it's no longer than a minute. Alright, so 20 seconds in a minute, and in reality it should be much less. So try not to rest at all, really don't rest, it's better. If you can not rest, you're doing good.

Alright, so let's start with each exercise that you're going to try to do.

ā€ŠSo the first one is muscle ups, so the ultimate goal is 25 muscle ups. Why do we use it? Because you're, you want to be able to climb up stuff, right? It's used, it's in parkour rock climbing. I mean, parkour is the main thing for fight and flight, right? So besides self-defense. So parkour, so you can jump up stuff and muscle ups.

It's also grip strength. Right? And it's also be able to pull. So be able to pull your opponent if you want to pull them away or whatever. Now muscle ups are really hard. So you have to build your strength up to at least 10 pull-ups in one set and at least 10 dips in one set before you attempt muscle-ups.

All right? And make sure you master the transition phase. There are videos in the app to teach you how to do that. All right?

So here's a sample progression. First, you have the active hang, or you can't even do a pull-up. Just do an active hang. Right? You can't even do a pull-up. And pull up and then, and do some dips as well.

So you do the active hang and then you do dips. And then the next part is to do negative pull-ups. Right, so that's basically where you start from the start from top position, from the top pull-up position and then just lower yourself down. Alright and then do and do dips as well.

ā€ŠThe next thing is to do chest pull-ups.

Right, so they're explosive pull-ups, so you're trying to get the bar all the way to your chest as opposed to just, your neck. And explosive dips, right? Explosiveness is the way to train. So it's like, when you do a push-up, you go down slowly and then you push up as fast as you can, right?

And then the last thing is muscle ups.

And then if you can do muscle ups, let's see if you can do 25 muscle ups, start doing muscle ups with resistance, right? So you get a band put it around your body somehow or get like one of those Rocky sack things and then fill it with weights or get a band and then tie it to a weight and then do muscles with it.

If you ever get there, you're a machine. I can't do it. I've never ever done that before, but it's just the way I would do it. Okay. And of course, there's, if you don't have a bar, does say you're traveling or whatever away from you. If your usual workspace, your usual workout place should have a bar.

So wherever you are, you can put one in your house. I think I bought even bought one recently because I was, I started living somewhere and I didn't have a, have a bar and I was going to get one of those door ones where you put on the door. Right. However, the person whose house it was didn't want me to because it would wreck the door, which is fair enough.

So we bought an actual one. It was a little bit more expensive, but it was only like a hundred bucks. But it's a proper steel frame thing, so you can actually do muscle-ups on it as long as you bolt it to the ground, right? This one wasn't bolted to the ground and it's in an apartment, so I can only do pull-ups on it.

But still, it's there. Alright, so, no, no, if you don't have a bar, no bar alternatives. You could do resistance band pull-downs, right? You can use a resistance band and attach it to something sturdy overhead. And I'll pull the band down towards your chest, like, while keeping your arms straight. Like, that's exactly the same as a pull-up.

So you're making the motion of a pull-up, but you're just using a resistance band whatever you're gonna tie it to I don't know Maybe you don't have a bar, but you've somehow got something to tie the resistance band to all right The if you don't have that you can do inverted rolls. So you find a sturdy table or whatever you find that sturdy That's about waist height and you lay underneath it with your chest facing up and you grip the edge Right just as you would the same, the same angle grip for a pull-up and you just pull yourself towards it, right?

Make sure you keep your body straight.

ā€ŠAnother one is the dumbbell rolls. So if you've got, if you don't have a barbell, you've got dumbbells, hold a dumbbell in one hand and place your other hand on on your knee or on a bench or a chair or whatever, and keep your back straight and lift the dumbbell towards your chest.

So that just targets your back muscles. So you see that these are actually in the no-bar alternatives in preference order.

ā€ŠSo. If you don't have a bar, your first point of order would be trying to find somewhere to attach a resistance band and get it like a good strong resistance band, one that's got enough resistance for you to get your workout, right?

And of course, you can get different levels of resistance bands, so resistance band pulldowns are also actually a pretty good progression move if you don't you need to build strength to do it, right? And then as you go down. Alright. Yeah, sorry. So, and then, if you don't, if you can't do that, do the inverted rows, and if you can't do that, do the dumbbell rows.

ā€ŠDumbbell rows are last because we don't really use weights as such in the survival fitness plan, right? Apart from when you're trying to progress even further, than the standard and you put like a weight on your back, but even that's not like dumbbells. But if you've got a kettlebell at home or dumbbells or whatever, you're in the gym, you can do that.

ā€ŠAll right. The next thing is the ultimate goal. are plyometric squats, right? So you want to try and do 50 plyometric squats. What are plyometric squats? Why do we use it? Because, first of all, plyometric squats build up your muscles, right? For explosive energy, it's very good for making your legs stronger so you can sprint better.

Sprinting is very important in the survival fitness plan. You want to be able to sprint as fast as you can, right? The second thing is Because you can mimic, like if you're doing plyometric squats like jump squats, and then you can try to improve your vertical jump, and then the second one, the other, the third one is so you can try to improve your distance jump for like precision jumping in parkour, right?

If you don't know precision jumping you can look that up, precision jumping in parkour so that's why we use it So all jumping activities are best done on soft ground like beach sand is ideal, but a grassed area or if you've got a mat at a gym or whatever, right? If you're doing it at home just like get some of those foam mats They're pretty cheap you get them from Walmart or whatever.

You can just lay them down in your training area So you want to concentrate on a soft landing so in your technique and that's paramount. So make sure you're trying to do there are two plyometric squats that we use, and alternate them in your training. So like in the first session, you will do jump squats, and then in the second one you'll do bounds.

And then once you know how to do precision jumping, once you learn it in the skills, it's not, it's pretty early on, it's like within a couple of weeks then you can swap out the bounds for precision jumps. Alright? So, jump squats for vertical, and then precision jumps or bounds for like, for distance.

Alright. How do we do it? What's the progression? Make sure you master perfect form with the standard squat before trying any of the plyometric versions, right? So you do standard squats first, then you do jump squats, then you do standing broad jumps. And that's the progression. There's no weight, you can put weight on if you want Jumping is one of those things I don't really like putting weight on even if I can do them pretty well because it's, it's hard on your knees, alright?

And if you do get an injury or whatever, then just... Regress to squats with weight, as opposed to jump, as opposed to plyometrics. And if your knee, if you injure your knee, make sure you sort that out and fix it, go see a physio or whatever. Don't, don't keep exercising on it, because otherwise you'll end up doing major damage and then you might have to get knee surgery or something, you don't want that.

ā€ŠAlright, next thing, chin-ups. The ultimate goal is chin-ups. 25 is how many we want, and why do we use chin-ups? Well... Honestly, it's mainly to counteract all the muscle ups and pull-ups you're going to do. So, too, because when you do chin-ups you're using a whole bunch of different muscles. The idea of needing chin-ups to climb up something, I mean it's possible, but in reality not really.

But chin-ups are also good because it's building up your biceps, right? It's like the ultimate biceps exercise. So, that's why you do it, because you need your biceps to pick stuff up. And you don't want to be just very, your body needs to grow. Evenly, right? You don't want to just do pull-ups all the time because you'll have a massive back and shoulders or whatever.

But then you have weak biceps and so it's not good. So chin-ups are good because then when you do self-defense you've got uppercuts and stuff like that. Alright, that's why we use it.

Here's your sample progression. You can do an active hang with chin-ups If you don't know what an active hang is, you're basically just hanging So when you're not strong enough to do something to do a pull-up or a chin-up you just hang there But you want to make it active meaning you're trying to pull up and because if you're not active you're too relaxed You can actually pull your joint your shoulder joints out or whatever So you don't want to do that.

So you've got to make sure you've got that strength there, right? So you just hang And then if you try to pull up and then eventually be able to pull up, right? The next one is the negative chin-up. So it's like starting at the top of the chin up and then lowering yourself down. Then you got the actual chin-ups, right?

And then chin-ups with the resistance. Now with resistance, I mean, just like I said before, you could also use the resistance band as a way to help you with the progression, right? You can do chin-ups with a resistance band. For put, tie the resistance band to the top of the bar and then stand in the loop, and then use it so it's like makes you lighter.

And that's a good way to train. I've actually been doing that with my friend while I'm here. And she wants, she can't do it, she does the active hangs, right? And she's, one of her goals is to be able to do a chin-up or a pull-up, I should say. So we've got the resistance band. We just bought it at the local shop and it's pretty shitty, but whatever, it does what it does the job, and then put her in it and then so she can start trying to do a pull-up.

Now she can't, she can't do a pull-up in a, even with the resistance band yet because the resistance band's too light, right? But eventually, she'll be able to, I'm confident that at least she'll be able to do a pull-up with the resistance band by the time we leave, which will be in about two weeks.

Alright, so some no-bar alternatives. So you can do the resistance band pull-downs, right, the same as the pull-ups, you touch it to something above you and then just like, pull it down. You can do the resistance band curls, right, so that's good for your biceps. You put the resistance band on the ground and then stand on it and then just use it like dumbbell curls.

Yeah. And then stop briefly at the moment squeeze your biceps and then lower it down. You can do dumbbell rows, so it's, that's, that's the same as like the ones where you with the pull-ups, right, but now, instead of, instead of pulling yourself up with your hands in the way of the pull-ups, you'll be doing it with your hands in the, in the way of how the chin up would do it, right?

And then you can do inverted rows, oh sorry, I just said that yeah, or, or, also, you could use dumbbells, right, and then use just do normal dumbbell curls as a last resort. Alright, so. The la the se that's not the last one yet, we still have a couple to go.

ā€ŠAlright, the next thing is 50 burpees. Why do we use burpees?

It is an amazing, all-round exercise. So, yeah, if you don't have, like, pull-up bar, my two favorite exercises, you're only going to do two exercises. You're going to do pull-ups and you're going to do burpees. Why burpees? Because you've got the jump in there, right? And then you've got the plank, and then you've got the push-up, and then you've got, like the explosiveness, and it's, and because you're coordinating and everything, it's good for your mind it's all good, right?

So, like I said before, all jumping activities are best on the ground, so do that. Concentrate on the safe landing. Alright, don't attempt burpees until you can do at least five push-ups and five jump squats with good form. Right, so once you can do that, you can do your burpees. Here's your progression.

First of all, just try to do push-ups and squats until you can do five of five, right? Then you can do push-ups and then jump squats like a separate exercise. You do push-ups, have your little rest or change exercise, and then do jump squats. And then you can do burpees, which is basically just a push-up and a jump squat combined.

And then if you wanted to get really into it, you could do tuck jump burpees, right? So so, It's a push-up and a, and squat and then you jump and then you can like to tuck your heels to your butt or tuck your knees to your chest as an extra hard thing, right? Once, once again, I wouldn't use weight with burpees.

I mean, you can, but the jump part with weight is not good. Alright.

ā€ŠThe next exercise is hanging leg raises. Now we're going to do 50. The reason we want to do hanging leg raises is one is for grip because you're hanging, right? So you want to train that grip? The other one is just to work out your core a bit more like your bottom core like a lot of these exercises Like pull-ups will work out.

It definitely works out your core, right? And burpees definitely work Well, they all work at your core, but a lot of them focus on your top part. So you might have if you're after abs or whatever. I think getting abs is just going to naturally happen with it. That's not why we do it, but that's, that's why.

And it's good for your legs as well because you're hanging and you're pulling up your legs, but then, it, it'll work your bottom to your bottom abdominals a little bit more because you don't really do like all the other exercises that work your upper abdominals a bit more. All right. So that's why we use it.

So. They're good for building core strength, right? They also improve flexibility and they challenge your abs. Which is, and they're good for climbing, right? You need that core strength for climbing.

ā€ŠSo Here are some progressions to do that. So you can do mountain climbers, right? They're pretty easy, do some of them.

Make sure you've got a straight back. Then you can do lying leg raises. Then you can do hanging knee tucks. And then you can do hanging leg raises. So lying means on your back and then you'd like just pull your knees to your chest or you raise your legs or you do little circles, whatever. We used to do a lot of them when I used to train in Muay Thai when I was a kid.

Hanging knee tucks and then hanging leg raises and then hanging leg raises with resistance. So if you want, you can like put some of those ankle weights on your, on your feet and do hanging leg raises with them, which is hard, hardcore. All right. And if you don't have a bar, if you don't have a bar to hang from, you can just do lying leg raises, right?

Or you can do bicycle crunches, which a really good,, as you'll probably recall, that was what our original abs exercise was, was bicycle raises. Alright, and ā€Šthe last thing you have gotta do, this is the last exercise in, in the round, is push-ups, right? And your ultimate goal is 50 push-ups.

Push-ups are really important, even though you do them in a burpee. The reason we gotta do them again is because they mimic a straight punch or a straight palm heel in self-defense. Also, because you do 50 burpees, you wanna do another 50, so you can do a hundred push-ups, right? So you can choose, if you wanna do these ones on your knuckles, like to train your punch and to train, your fist structure, right?

But if you don't want to, that's fine, just do them on your hands, but make sure you're doing them with your elbows close to your body, so it mimics the strike. So sorry. So some, some, some progressions to doing pushups is first you do a high plank. If you can't do anything else, just do a high plank, right?

And then you can do some negative pushups from the high plank. Just lower yourself to the ground, lower yourself to the ground. The next thing would be kneeling pushups, right? And then pushups. And then pushups are resistance now either with a backpack. Or, just wrap the resistance band, which I, do here while I'm here, just wrap the resistance band around your back and then grip it with your hands and then do a push-up.

And it's actually really good. I wish I had a bit of a stronger resistance so I could, so it would be a bit harder but never mind. All right. That is it. So they're your exercises guys.

ā€ŠSo let's recap. You've got let's see if I can remember off the top of my head. So you've got 25 muscle ups, and if you can't do muscle ups, just do pull-ups and dips, right?

And then you've got jump squats, you want to do 50 jump squats, remember you've got jump squats for height and then alternate with like bounds or precision jumps if you know how to do precision jumps, so you've got one that makes you go up and down and the other one that makes you go for distance.

So you've got 50 of them, and then you've got 25 pull-ups sorry, chin-ups, right? So just work the other side of your arms as you do chin-ups. And then you've got burpees, right? You want to do 50 burpees as you go. If you can't do burpees just yet, well, make sure you can do, like, your squats and your push-ups separately before you do burpees.

And then you've got leg raises, right? So You want to do 50 of them, and then you've got 50 push-ups, so it's only 5 exercises. Is that right? Let me have a quick look, sorry.

Don't forget to warm up, obviously, yeah. Ah, sorry, sorry, sorry. I'm pretty sure that's right. Muscle ups.

Squats. Plyometric squats. Chin ups.

Burpees. Hanging leg raises. And push-ups, right? So you've only got five and then you're doing three sets or if you can you could do it You do them in fewer sets, right? So you start with three sets until you can do a total of the ultimate goal right until you can do them all and Then once you do that you try to get it down to two sets and then you try to get it down to one Set and we can do all of them in one set.

Wow, you're doing good And if you can do it once let's say you can do it because, for example, I can do 50 push-ups Probably almost in one set. So then I'll add resistance, right? So now I've got resistance to the push-up, but the rest of the things I can't, so I don't add resistance to them yet. And there are some things that you never want to add resistance to, like your jumping exercise, I'd never add resistance to those I wouldn't add a pack onto those, right?

You just keep them, they're good. And of course for your legs as well, you've got your sprints. So that's it.

ā€ŠDon't forget to Get the app, right? Turn yourself into a model day ninja with the Survival Fitness Plan. Get 30 days of access for just a dollar. Don't forget to like, subscribe and share.

If you're, if you're listening to this on a podcast, just like take a screenshot of where you can share it and then put it on your social media. Hashtag Survival Fitness Plan. That's it for today, guys. Thanks for tuning in and I'll talk to you again next time. Bye.

Meet Sam Fury

Driven by a passion for fitness and a commitment to helping men worldwide stay fit and capable, Sam formulated a plan that will get anyone to out-run, out-fight, and out-live the majority of the world's population.

As an avid traveler, he sought a solution that didn't require expensive gym memberships or exclusive clubs ā€” that any man, anywhere, could take and improve his fitness straight away.

Now, after nearly two decades of relentless training, refining, simplifying, and perfecting the Survival Fitness Plan, Sam is eager to share this transformative program with the world.

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