How to Optimize Your Health with Supplements

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Navigating the vast world of supplements can be overwhelming, especially when aiming to design the perfect regimen tailored to your needs.

In this episode, we demystify the complexities of vitamins, minerals, and other supplements, guiding you step by step to create an optimal plan.

Whether you're an athlete, a health enthusiast, or someone simply looking to enhance well-being, we've got you covered.

Dive in with us as we explore the science and art of crafting the ultimate supplement regimen.

The Survival Fitness Plan is much more than a fitness program. Take the challenge today and level up your life!

This podcast is available from most major podcast hosts, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.


00:00:00 Introduction

04:45:06 MitoQ Supplements

06:12:28 Mito Pure

08:17:02 Urolithin A Benefits

11:47:35 Best Green Powder

15:43:30 Enso Supergreens

16:40:75 Athletic Greens

17:50:89 A Quick Review

19:00:55 My Overall Thought

19:45:83 BPC 157

20:15:33 Vegan Options

20:43:02 Hemp Protein

21:17:43 Other Vegan Proteins

23:06:69 Non Essential Amino Acids

24:32:31 Methylene Blue

25:03:52 Protekt Tim Ferriss

26:43:82 Visi Ultra

27:17:38 Biostack Labs

30:08:07 Supplement to Restore Vision

33:53:01 What is Glycine?

34:21:37 Lifeforce

36:35:11 Eightsleep.

38:27:60 Biooptimizer

51:59:15 Danger Coffee

52:43:28 Gene Sight

53:14:50 EverlyWell

57:23:42 Duo Insoles

58:26:86 HVMN

58:48:75 Closing



ā€ŠHi guys, Sam Fury here with another episode of the Survival Fitness Plan. The only program where you will learn to outrun, outfight and outlive the majority of the world's population. Today's episode is about supplements. I have been learning a lot. Today's we're going to concentrate more on how to outlive, right?

We talk about, definitely talk about how to outrun and outfight quite a lot. We're going to talk about how to outlive. It's kind of a newish subject to me. It's just been part of the survival fitness plan for the last month or so. Not last month, sorry, the last year or so and I don't know if you've noticed if you're into like the field of body hacking, whatever, in the last couple of years, a lot of people have been pumping out there's a lot of information, new information, especially since COVID, I think COVID maybe helped us discover humans as a species, discover a lot of stuff about COVID 19.

How we can extend our lives or people are just more interested in it? So I've been reading a bunch of books and a lot of them say pretty similar stuff, which is good, which means that at least there's a grant. Some of them say a lot of stuff that's quite different. Some of them say some people, what other people say is not right and all this.

So it's a bit, can be a bit confusing. The thing that I feel the most though is that we... A lot of these people are like the wealthy, more wealthy than the average person, so they are able to get all the tests done and blah, blah, blah, and something. There's just one guy. He's a multi-millionaire, and he just spends all 2 million a year hacking his body right and then he gets all these.

Tests like once a month and he's, he's actually reversing an age apparently, and his lungs are at a capacity of an 18-year-old and he's 40 something, which is pretty incredible. Dave Asprey thinks that he's going to live until 180 according to the tests he does and that, but the point which is probably pretty possible considering all the stuff that he does, but here's the thing I want to make it more accessible to the average person like myself.

I don't want to go around like Dave Asprey takes more than a hundred pills a day. I don't want to do that. So I think as far as most things go, so what you're looking at here, by the way, just a little side note, what you're looking at here, and this will, it'll hook back to the main thing is my notes about biohacking that I've been taking.

And then underline, you see there's a little book outline and I'm going to write this book called The Pillars or something like that, so these are the 14 pillars of survival So I will fit this longevity and I'm gonna just write it and I want it to be accessible to the average person So you don't have to go out and like get all the tests, although it's good if you can do that you can do it, I also want it to be easy enough so like the majority like people will actually do it because it's all very well that these guys know the the, the advanced stuff or whatever, and how to like test your body and like get specific things specifically for you, but not everyone's got the resources or the.

They want to do it. So we're going to make these and then I'm going to build the habits straight to the app.

ā€ŠSo, every month or whatever, a couple of habits get released, right? So what this stage I'm up to, what I want to do today is a little bit different than normal because I'm using my computer, which you guys don't usually see.

And I want to go over it because, as you can see, I've got this little list of things because every time I read something or whatever, I take note of it. And a few of these, a few of these Supplements come up and they're quite interesting. So I thought, I don't think I'll be able to like, originally my idea was to like go through them all and then you can watch me choose which ones I want to take.

But I don't think that's going to happen. I think what's going to happen is I'm going to look at them. I'm going to look through them. Some of them I'll be like, yep, definitely. Some of them I'll be like, no, definitely not. But for the majority, I'll be like, I'm just going to tell you about them and what they do because some of them you might not know about and some of them I won't pick your interest.

And then later on when I actually, when I release my plan, the survival fitness. Longevity plan, which will be a general plan. And of course, you can, it's always encouraged for you to go and tweak it to yourself. But if you don't want to, you don't have the inclination to do that. You can just use the plan and hopefully, they'll just be like five or six different supplements.

That's not going to cost too much. So the average person is pretty accessible. And of course, if you don't want to take them, that's fine. I'm sure if you do everything else, you'll, you'll extend your life by a good 20%. Maybe if you take the supplements as well, you can extend it by 30 or 40%. Let's go have a look.

The first one is Biohack StatLabs. Oh, there's a problem loading the page. All right. Never mind, we'll come back to this maybe later, it'll work.

ā€ŠThe second one is MidoQ Supplements. Alright, so MidoQ is the world's first antioxidant molecule that directly combats cell stress with boosted energy, faster exercise recovery, and better aging every day.

Great health starts in your cells. So, this is 60 capsules, and it's 60 bucks. 60 to 60 capsules. Let's make it exact, right? So, one of the things, one of the things that I want to do is try to make it under 200 a month. It's going to be pretty hard when one supplement's 170. That's for a 90-day supply, though.

Yeah, so I'm not even sure what this is, and it's got all these ones, MITQ or QCommit, MITPlan, I'd say, see, I don't like this because then what, you're gonna buy all of them? All right, so automatically I don't like it. Maybe it's really good. But I think for me, for our, if you're, if you're an athlete and you want something specific, it's, it's probably amazing, but we are just, I mean, Survival Fitness Plan people.

Yeah, we're, we're doing more than the average person because the average person does almost nothing, but we're definitely not athletes. So I think we can not worry about that. MITQ. And I'm pretty sure this targets your mitochondria.

ā€ŠBut here's another, here's another MITO1, MITO pure. Let's let's get rid of MITQ. is mido pure. The first clinically tested, ah, so urolithin A is Dave Asprey talks about it quite a lot. This is one that energizes your cells, increases muscle strength, and boosts endurance. I think the natural way to get it is to eat buckets and buckets and buckets of pomegranates more than you would actually ever eat.

So, but then, and also I think your body makes it as well, but these guys will Have it in a formula like this. So mido mido pure energizer cells. So it's your mitochondria for those you don't know your mitochondria are like the power cells of energy in your body, right now cellular powerhouses Are constantly renewed to fulfill the vast energy demands of cells as we age mitochondrial function declines starting as early as our 30s.

Midopure stimulates the mitochondrial renewal process to protect cells from age-associated decline. There you go Urolithin A is the only known molecule to activate mitophagy, mitography, that has been shown to be safe and effective in rigorous placebo-controlled human clinical studies focused on mitochondrial health and muscle.

That is from a doctor, professor, doctor, and medical doctor, Johan Orwerx. Right. Let's have a look at some of the frequent what MedioCure is a propriety and highly pure form of Urolithin A. It helps our bodies counter associated cilia decline by revitalizing the power generated in our cells. Our mitochondria, until now, are to eat foods such as pomegranates and select nuts and berries that contain precursor compounds called elagitonins.

However, only a small number of people get enough of that specialized nutrient from food alone. Mutopure unlocks the benefits of a precisely curable dose of urourolithin A for the first time. What are the benefits? This is... Muscle health undergoes a natural decline after the third decade of life.

ā€ŠSkeletal muscle mass decreases alongside a loss in strength. Urolithin A improves mitochondrial and muscle function, providing more energy to the cells. It is a naturally... naturally occurring anti-aging compound that can benefit anyone looking to proactively maintain muscle health. So that is, the crux of it.

So there you go. So that's Medipure. Shop Me Pure. Let's have a look at this.

Ah, so there are lots of different ones. And it's called timeline Ah, this actually comes up again. So this is just telling us about it. It's not actually, so timeline nutrition. Alright, here it is. The simplest form of mid, pure. I don't know, they've got so many things, but I just want one type of thing, right?

I want that I can't, I can't. This is a 21 formula for your muscles. A tasty addition to your health routine. So, twisted ginger regenerates skin's appearance. Oh, this is new, new stuff that I heard Dave Asprey banging on about. It's really expensive. It was like 200 bucks a bottle or something. Probably really good though, to be fair.

Alright, the simplest for most people. Let's have a look at this. Ooh, 3. 33 per serving. So two months plus flyers, 200 bucks. So it's a hundred bucks a month.

Proven benefits, energized cells, energy, strength, endurance, optimum levels. Muscle endurance increases by up to 15%. I think this is more for athletes as well. So I'm not willing to spend that much on just one thing. Because it's not, it's for your energy cells. It's not actually for longevity. Although it probably does help longevity.

But it's definitely for more elitists. Yeah, yeah, it's definitely for more athletes. So it's something to look at if you want to really pump it out. But I think for, for us. It's not such a great idea. Well, it's not a terrible idea. All right, here's some, here's some stuff that I was really interested in. It is athletic greens in comparison. So this is, let's get rid of this.

Let's just say, let's put this at the bottom. We can have a look at it later. Hopefully, it comes up again. This one is I didn't want that, did I? I don't like that. This is 20 bucks. 10, 90 days. That's mitochondrial for performance. Oh, it's enhancing. Right.

Alright. Athletic grains. Ultimate grains powder. This is something that I've been very interested in, but I haven't. And then, alright, so this is a website. This guy, he bought this website. It's called All it is just one. One post and he compares the different, the different super greens, right?

So he said that the first one is Enzo super greens, which is pretty well known. Athletic greens are one that a lot of people talk about in the biohacking community. And I think it's paid promotions, but they've been really amping up like Tim Ferriss and people like that. And a few others I've heard on a few different podcasts that I listened to. Sorry.

He likes Enzo Superfood Supergreens, right? And it isn't too bad. It's 1. 33 per serving. It's got 20 organic superfoods. And it's got 39 points, and it's about 40 bucks, right? What are the ingredients? I've already done it, I already looked at this before. Here's the other one that I wanted. So the other one is athletic greens.

Get your AG1. The problem with AG1 is the pouch, one serving of pouch. One 30-serving pouch at your home is 79. So already it's 40 versus 79 and that's for 30 serves and that's for 30 serves as well. Now for 60 serves you can get for 70. So it's about twice the price. So I'm assuming 30 serves is a month.

So let's write that down. Athletic greens are 80 a month. NZ is 40 bucks a month, oh no it's not actually, look at that, 60 bucks a month, it's a one-time purchase. But obviously, you can get it's not that much difference, this is 80. Oh, that's a, that's a, if it's just once, it's a hundred. Alright. So in that case, let's go with the let's go with the subscription model. It's 40 bucks a month. It's double the price. And the only real thing I can see that's different.

What makes AG1 different from NJSuperGram?

Sorry, if I stop talking, it's because I'm reading. So if you're on the podcast, it's a bit silly. Sorry about that. Thank you. Alright, so let's look at this guy's website. Firstly, I wanted to make sure I tested all the leading greens powders. Focusing only on super greens. I didn't want to test green powders for extra protein or powders for different purposes.

Not choosing powders with only one ingredient. And get the real taste of the products without other mixes. So he didn't mix it with anything else. It's just the, just the product with water. And he, then just goes through how we did it. So the factors that matter were health benefits, taste, smell, texture, ease of making, and price.

And then he keeps going, keeps going, keeps going. All right, so the best one he tried, and this is what he loves about it. And this is what he, it'd be better. So he likes it, it's the best-tasting one.

So this is about Enzo. It's best tasting. It's got 20-plus organic superfoods. It's all-natural, 100 percent vegan, boosts immunity, probiotics, and enzymes, is good sugar-free, has no stevia or artificial sweeteners, no caffeine, easy to make, made in the US, third party, GM good manufacturing processes, 30-day guarantee, free shipping.

What could be better? It's a thin powder. It's only available online and there's only one flavor until mid-23, which is coming up pretty soon. So that's it. And then the ones that he didn't, then, his second runner-up as well as the probiotic enzymes containing the formula that promotes gut, gut health. You can also notice how low in calories, spirulina, super grains, all right, the runner up, athletics.

ā€ŠSo what do you like about athletic grains? There's a wide variety of ingredients, diverse health benefits, comprehensive supplement facts, probiotics and digestive enzymes GMP, third party, caffeine free, non-GMO.

So it's basically the same subscriber welcome kit, I don't Very nice and easy-to-use website, alright, that doesn't really matter. Alright, what could be better? It's the most expensive on the market. It's not organic. It's not a 100 percent all-natural product. Which is a deal breaker for him and maybe for me as well.

It has stevia. It has sugars. It didn't taste or smell very good. Why would it have sugars and not, you'd think it would taste even better if it had sugars. The texture was sandy. It didn't dilate very well. Focuses too much on athletes and does not offer free shipping the only thing that I found that AG1 really had, was what he loved about this advertised health benefits covering energy recovery and digesting immunity.

If you're interested in subscribing Make sure to read special photos. What could be better? It's not sugar-free. It's not manufactured in the u. s. The clear it wasn't just the price The list of cons cannot be ignored.

Alright, and what was the... Let's just quickly, like, go back up.

I think... Alright, so what he, what he loved. The taste, is for Enzo Supergreens. The freshness of the mint comes out of the taste. The taste wasn't much of a priority to me, but it was a great help. But if you seriously consider making a habit. So for those of you who want to get their health more preventative versus reactive way.

And have a safety net of greens in your life. Super greens is what I would make a man up to do it. My research intake. I really felt it drinking my daily for the more energized, focused, and ready. Boost your greens to transform your health and all-natural impact with eight 20-plus organic superfoods, and probiotic digestive enzymes.

The only thing that athletic greens have that the other person doesn't. I mean, it's probably got a bunch of different stuff, but the main one that I found was adaptogens, which are like mushrooms and stuff. So.

Yeah, I mean there is a lot. I'm not going to go and compare the things. I might do that later.

ā€ŠSo there you go. So I think my overall thought, I think Enzo Superfood, the Enzo one, is the one that I want. Because it's cheaper and it's it doesn't have all the other stuff that the Athletic Greens are.

So I'm going to actually erase Athletic Greens. Well, I might look at the thing a bit more.

ā€ŠAlright, this next one is called BPC 157. I think I got this from Dave Asprey. It's something I've been using a lot. And I'll come back to this in a minute because I just did a bit of quick research about hemp protein.

TrackJPT is awesome.

It's, I like it better than Google. I just ask it questions. It does a lot of work for me as well, to be fair.

BPC 157. is a synthetic peptide that is derived naturally from a current protein in the human body called body protecting compound. It is composed of 15 amino acids and has been shown to have regenerative and healing properties.

BPC 157 has been studied for its potential therapeutic in a variety of medical conditions including IBS, tissue healing, joint health, and nervous system health. It's typically administered via injection, either subcontinuously or intravenously. While BPC 1 5 has shown promising results, obviously more research is needed to to determine it.

ā€ŠAlright, so I don't like that. Alright, before we go any further, let me have a look at this, because I'm going to start using JATJPT a lot during this, and I don't want to miss out on you learning this information. So I've been looking into protein powders and a lot of people say you can't get all the essential amino acids you need for being a vegetarian because I don't, I prefer not to eat too much meat.

I do like meat but other, other reasons which I'm sure you've heard about or if not I'll go over them again in the future.

ā€ŠSo I was looking at hemp protein. And because it was brought up, I wanted to ask GPT and chat with GPT about some things. Yes, hemp protein powder is considered a complete protein. A complete protein is one that contains all the nine essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own and must obtain from the diet.

Hemp protein powder contains all nine essential amino acids in the right proportion to support human nutrition, making it a complete protein source. Moreover, hemp protein is a plant-based source. It's also rich in fiber, healthy fats, and minerals like magnesium and iron, making a nutritious addition to a healthy diet.

And then I asked it, what other vegetarian proteins are complete proteins and it says quinoa, buckwheat, soybeans, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and spirulina. And there's a few more. So it's not true when people say that you have to eat meat to get all your essential amino acids. There are definitely some things in.

A vegetarian diet is where you can do it, but you have to be careful. You have to do it properly. Right? Not that I'm going to become full of vegetarians, but just so I know what is the nutritional value of hemp protein versus whey protein was my next question. Hemp protein. So calories are the same.

This is per a hundred grams. Calories are the same. 358. Hemp protein has 49 grams of protein and whey protein has 78. So obviously whey is a bit more. Hemp has about double the carbs, 11 grams versus 5 grams. It's got 8 grams more fat, 1 gram. 1 gram of it is saturated fat, and then 8 grams is, I don't know, unsaturated fat, I guess.

Whey protein has 1 gram, only 1 gram of fat, and half of that is saturated fat. Hemp protein has 7 grams of fiber. Whey protein has none. Whey protein has calcium. Hemp protein has none. Hemp protein has 46 percent of the daily value of iron. Whey protein only has 5. Hemp protein has 195 percent magnesium of the daily value.

And whey protein only has 8 percent, of the daily value, and magnesium is very important. As you can see, whey protein content, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Alright, so what amino acids does meat have that hemp protein powder doesn't? Meat contains all nine essential amino acids in varying amounts, while hemp protein powder also contains all nine essential amino acids, but may have different proportions of each.

ā€ŠHowever, there are some non-essential amino acids that are more abundant in meat than hemp protein. Here are a few examples, carnosine. Carnosine is an amino acid that is found exclusively in animal tissues, particularly in meat, is believed to have antioxidant properties that may help reduce muscle fatigue during exercise.

Creatine If you haven't heard of creatine before, you can buy it as a supplement, is a non-essential amino acid that is found primarily in animal tissues, especially in meat. It plays a role in energy production and is commonly used as a supplement to enhance athletic performance. I tested that out and I've decided that...

I don't need it. Touraine is a non-essential amino acid that is abundant in meat and is also found in small amounts in some plant foods. It plays a role in psychological processes including vision, heart function, and muscle contraction. Alright, it's worth noting that while these non essential amino acids are more abundant in meat than hemp protein, they are not essential for human health and can be produced by the body from other amino acids.

So, there you go. So, I think hemp protein, I might start taking hemp protein instead of whey protein, although whey protein is typically much easier to digest. So let's put that on the list.

And then we've got some stuff down the, down the bottom that this is going to be a long podcast by the sounds of it.

ā€ŠAll right. The next one is methylene blue. All right. Let's continue using JJP. What is methylene blue? It's a synthetic organic compound that is used for a variety of purposes. A biological stain installed it's a dye. Treatment of Alzheimer's, treatment of depression, alright. So we're not using this because it is synthetic. So let's get rid of that.

Protect. com, what is Protect by Tim Ferriss. So I got this refresh page. Now why, why come a lot of these pages aren't working? You know what I think it is? I think it might be because I'm in Colombia. Let's have a look at Tunnel Bear. Very briefly.

Let's first try without Tim and see what happens.

Where'd he go to the United States?

Let's try again. There we go. All right. So I'm going to start spitting this up a bit cause I don't want this to get over forever. All right. So protect. com is supercharged water. Huh? What is this?

Proper hydration can solve a host of problems. We want to make drinking water easier and very with the great-tasting flavors of the Navy seal formula ingredients. Black Protect will make every drink of water work harder and it's got a bunch of different formulas. Five flavors. Ah, I'm not interested in this.

The thing about water is to drink lots of it. I'm drinking, I started drinking more of it recently. I'm drinking about three liters, at least three liters a day. And, I feel a massive difference. Yeah, we're not going to worry about that. I still want to look at athletic greens a bit more. But I'll do that in my personal, like, separately.

Let's close it for now.

ā€ŠAlright, Fizzy Ultra. It's because I started wearing glasses. So I was looking into, into fast rate of support for healthy vision. So let's have a look at this What supplements are good for improving vision?

Ah, so Cat TV Dead doesn't like it when I'm on Tunnel Bear, which is kind of crappy.

Alright, so let's go back to Biostack Labs and we can have a look at this. We'll start opening now. So Biospec Labs, so this is Regen is, I think, if you're going to take a supplement that's that is for anti-aging, NAD is the thing you want to take. NAD Plus it was called, but NAD Regen is apparently better than NAD Plus.

This comes with CellShield as well, but I don't actually want I just want to look at them separately. So NAD Regen, is possibly the world's advanced longevity supplement, anti-aging, optimal brain function, and natural energy levels. support metabolic health, inflammation management, and cholesterol support and that region. But it is quite expensive. 162.

It's got niacinamide, NAD3 reverts to salt. Spermicide is a big, big one, in the world of biohacking. So there you go. So 162 for just that. CellShield is the master antioxidant, not really sure how it works. Protect from free radicals, maintain your primary event, and eliminate. Multiple capsules, yeah Cell shield is your way to protect and maintain the health of every cell in your body from the daily onslaught of free radical damage. Not interested in that, alright. Together, they cost 104 a month. The NAD Regen by itself is 100, woah, that oh, what was that? Oh, that was three bottles. One bottle is 60, and it goes for 30 days, so 67. So let's, let's get that 67 a month for NAD Regen.

So that's already over my 100 bucks. Okay, let's, do what? Let's get off TunnelBear for a minute so I can ask this.

What supplement is good for restoring vision from old age? Because my vision is bad because of my age. While there are some supplements that may be beneficial for maintaining eye health and potentially slowing the progression of visual loss, it is important to note that there is no guaranteed way to restore vision that has already been lost during aging or other factors.

However, here are a few supplements that have been suggested to be potentially helpful in maintaining and protecting omega three lutein and zin keratinoid that are found in high concentration in the macular, the part of the eye responsible for the central vision. Studies have suggested that these compounds may help protect against a m D and cataracts, vitamin C, vitamin E, blue bilberry, and zinc.

But this is the thing I'm interested is lutein, because lutein is Oh, I've even got it written here, lutein R vitamin. Let's have a look at that as well. Busy Ultra.

This is a one-month supply, 69 bucks a bottle. Or 49 if you get a six-month supply. No harmful additives, includes 14 premium visual health nutrients, effective ingredients, helps with vision health, eye strain, and fatigue, and promotes visual acuity.

I'm not, I don't know about this. Let's see if they've got any reviews.

Well, so far the vision in my right eye has really started to improve. The Visi Ultra is really helping with my vision. I've also been prescribed eye drops called Alpha Gem, which I take two times a day. Between the two of them, my vision is getting a lot better, and more importantly, so is my ability to enjoy life.

Right, here we go. Michael's P Seal. I first noticed that I had vision problems about three to four years ago when I was trying to read small type text. After some time, I realized blurry vision was definitely my main issue. It's awful. Tried several vitamins and minerals, but they didn't help, so I decided to give...

Fizzy Ultra a try and it seems to be helping with some of my blurry vision. I will keep using it to find out So this might be worth Worth having a look at but maybe not this company No, it's not. I just don't want to look at the website. I mean that it looks better than my website, but whatever.

What did it say is here? Lutein. What are the most popular and trusted Lutein internet providers for improving eye health? There are many supplement providers offer Lutein as their supplements for eye health and the most popular and trusted brands can vary depending on preferences. However, here is an example of one Zetian Lutein which is known to support macular pigment optical density. Mackey Health, contains lutein, nature's bounty, now foods, softshells, oh there's a few of them.

This is something that I want to look at separately. This could be an episode in itself. So, let me write this down. Buy supplements.

Go into that a bit later.

Alright, what's this? Glycine. Glycine, alright, because it's an amino acid. The body can make glycine also consumed in the diet. Meat, fish, dairy, legumes. Glycine is building up for making protein. Glycine is also involved in the transmittal of chemical science to the brain. Ooh, listen to that wind.

So I don't really need to worry about this. I don't want to take glycine supplements. Let's see with me, I'm trying to get through this fairly quickly. We've been going for a while now, so I'm going to try to wrap it up a bit.

All right. Life force.

What's this live long, live better, longer life force, your personalized longevity partner with a compliments blood panel? All right. This is something that it's like a personalized it's a whole all-in-one thing where it yeah, Tony Robbins. A single convenient solution that empowers you with everything you need to make the right health decisions at the right time.

So you measure your baseline, and you get a plan built for you. A personalized program of hormones, peptides, nutrients, or lifestyle improvements is delivered to your door. Track and improve, stop guessing, and start addressing. So this is quite good because it's as you know, it's better to to do things, 399, it's better to do things personalized to you.

But, see a lot of these things are quite expensive for people, which is what I'm trying to avoid. I actually did one with Vimeo, which is like a 400 buck test as well, and then it sent me, it tested my blood, my saliva, and my poop, and then it sent me back all the foods that I should and shouldn't eat, so I'm actually doing that at the moment, but I feel like that's not really, for most people, that's a bit out of the, out of the realm so this is 300, but I don't know It's just a diagnostic, so I think it's just a one-off.

Let's see what the membership costs. 129 bucks a month. To access membership, first complete the... To access membership, first complete the life force diag... So you have to do the diagnostic first in order to... Alright, so that's a bit... that's going out a bit. I'm not going to do that. Let's get rid of that.

Timeline Nutrition, which was what we looked at before with Mido QRR. Yeah, urethane A. So, sorry, Natnitum. Here's another one from Nat. Oh, Bingham rules. I was looking into this. There's a problem loading this website. All right, we'll come back to that later. The Bosso collections, do I resolve? There's a problem with that, come back to that later.

There's a problem with that, come back to that later. Ooh, a lot of them don't like it.

ā€ŠAll right, this is eight sleep. Tim Ferriss goes on about this quite a lot. These are all I need tunnel bear for. Let me just pause this for a minute. I'll be back in two seconds. All right, so, let's have a look at The pod cover.

Oh, I've been looking at this. This is, this thing's awesome. So it's not cheap though. It's two, two grand, which is actually not too bad. I thought, like, this is the mattress, get the all-in-one experience. It's three, it's under three grand. So basically what this thing does. is regulates the temperature of your, of your sleeping to optimum temperature.

So automatic temperature adjustments during the night track your health and sleep. It's got a little vibration alarm that does it and it's got an app. It's pretty cool because, it helps you to get your optimal sleep, which is very, very important for extending your life. And if you get the actual.

If you get the actual mattress, it's got pressure relieving materials, medium firm, firmness, responder support, max chill for ultimate heat dissipation, and then all the other stuff, that the cover has got. So I'm pretty keen on this, but he also, he also does another one. What, what was that?

Did it say to get 300 bucks off if you don't want financing? $250 off pod three covers. So you get this with 250 bucks off, so it's yeah, two 2000 and $45. So there you go. All $57 a month for three months. So actually, I mean, that's expensive, but for, for a lot of people, but I will definitely look into that when I actually have my own house.

So that's something that I really want, but I'll put that down there.

ā€ŠBuy optimizer shop. Now, this is something that I've been I've been watching these, these guys stuff for a while and he's got a lot of stuff, and yeah. So P83OM is, and mass enzymes. But there's a stack. So I've been watching his course and it's quite good.

I'm going through it like a few lessons a day, and then collagenous get the ultimate blend of mushroom, ah, see the mushrooms and collagen for skin, not skin joints. That's pretty good. So mushrooms have, have adaptogens. So that would cover Oh, oh, okay. One bottle, only one delicious drink. A blend of four mushrooms of collagen that gives you maximum brain power. Stronger immune system and healthier skin, hair, and nails.

Alright, I'm more aware of my surroundings. The five senses are improving, and coming back. Thank you, blah, blah, blah. Sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. So this is interesting, five superfoods, four mushrooms, and collagen which bring unique benefits. Lion's mane, chaga, collagen. Collagen is quite good because I like it for my stomach.

Boost muscle mass in combination with diet and exercise. Quadriceps improve exercise performance. So this is this is interesting. And that's 66. I don't know how many, how many.

Let's have a look at something else. Mix two scoops with six ounces of water, arm oil, or liquid for a chugging drink. Mix three to four scoops. Optimizes your energy, and feeds your skin, scalp, and nails. It's a nootropic, so it's a nootropic. Not sure how I feel about nootropics at the moment. What else has it got?

Ah, 30 servings. So if you don't, it contains milk and fish. So if you don't like it, ah, it's got lots of other... It's got lots of other ingredients. Yeah, I'm not a fan of that. Let's get rid of that. But he's got other stuff, so there was one that I wanted to try specifically, which was one of these stacks.

Not sleep breakthrough. Tried that, but wasn't impressed. I think my sleep is good enough, to tell you the truth. Why are these, oh, sleep optimizing products, that's why they're, so this one, the Ultimate Digestive 1 2 3 Punch, Bio, Bio, Bio Optimised Digestic Health Stack, Herbal Power Flush, Herbal Power, Optimise Your Digestion, which is or the Breakthrough, Bone, Optimise Your B Bone, Ultimate Gut Health Stack, is a Protein Breakthrough let's have a look at that, the Ultimate Gut Health Stack Chocolate, Ultimate Gut Health Stack Vanilla, Bio Optimised Brain Bundle, Want to maximize your brain power? Trouble protection stack, that's a good one. 90-day total gut cleanse payment. Clean and detox your intestinal tract of parasites and bacteria. 90-day guide included. Let's have a look at that.

And, what was the other one I wanted to look at? This. Alright. So we've got a few we want to look at here. Let's go over them. The key to superhuman results is synergy. Perhaps the most underrated strategy in health is to maximize synergy. Synergy is when you combine two things to create a powerful result.

For example, 1 plus 1 equals 10. When we combine, ah, it's just talking about how to make stacks. So the gut health stack comes with... Biome Breakthrough, P3OM, and Cognibiotics. P3OM increases mental clarity and focus improves sleep and recovery, boosts your energy levels, reduces gas and bloating within days, helps with weight loss, crowds out unhealthy bacteria in the gut, and supports a healthy immune system.

So it's basically a bunch of probiotics. Cognibiotics protect the brain against oxidative stress and support digestion, I'm not sure what Cognibiotics is. And Biome Breakthrough, Here's another one that has, may raise your energy levels, and promote a healthy immune response, so it might explain I guess, boost your, alright, about the stack, boost your beneficial gut flora and heal from dysbiosis with a powerful three-pronged approach, B3 OM is a patented strain with anti-microbial and anti-microbial benefits.

Boosting activities, biome breakthrough, weeds out, biobacteria, weeds you max and reseed with some biotics that promote healthy gut flora. Cottingboss boosts healthy gut-brain access by combining ancient Chinese medicine with mood-boosting probiotics. Support improves blood-brain flow supports digestive health and regularity, protects the brain against oxidative stress, feel happy for no reason, and promotes a good mood.

Improves brain activity, promotes a balanced and inflammatory response, supports gut barrier function over health, and is very vegan friendly. So this, and this is 150 for the stack. Let's have a look at this one. Is that the one I was saying? This is the Ultimate Gut Health Stack. This is Bio Optimized Digestive Health Set.

So this has mass enzymes, which is something really good. But you see, these probiotics and enzymes... But, the Enso Supergreens has that, I don't know, this has Digestive Enzyme Complex Papen, Dairy Free Biotics, Lactobacillus, blah blah blah blah, 5 billion CFE and 74 milligrams of Digestive Enzymes. Let's look at Mass Enzymes, which contain 100, 000 units of Protein Digesting Enzymes per capsule.

I've got a feeling that maybe the Enzo Supergreens does kind of everything. I don't want these colonies, let's get rid of that. Let's get rid of that as well. The key to superhuman results is synergy, again. The total gut cleanses for a thousand dollars when it comes to the instructions. So I'll worry about that.

Travel Protection Stack gives you Gluten, Guardian, HCL Breakthrough, and P3OM.

I'm not sure, I wouldn't mind looking at the individual ones. Oops, there's a trash shop.

Herbal Power Flush. Ah, these are all stacks. I want the stacks. Magnesium Breakthrough. Mas enzymes, and P3OM, they're the two that I'm most interested in. So if I can look at the HCL breakthrough, which is a strong defense from healthy gum use. Betaine HCL promotes a healthy gut. Alright, so let's look at the stack with mas enzymes and P, P, P3, which is where was it, I saw that oh, maybe they don't have it. The trouble production stack has gluten, gut, and P3OM, HCL breakthroughs. That one has that, Magnesium, Cocaine, Biotics Oh, this one, the Bioptimide Digestive Health Stack. HL Bresto, P3 OM, MS Enzyme. So let's have a look at this. This is the one I want to look at.

One stack is 237. That's incredibly expensive. Alright, but it does have, MS Enzymes is one bottle for 66, and P3 OM is one bottle for 66 also. And I'm assuming that is... Oh, it's 120 carbs, but you take two a day, so it's about two months worth.

Let's have a look at the ingredients. Ten and in comparison to Supergreens, which had five billion CFU, dairy-free probiotics, five billion, and this says ten billion, I guess. So how many zeros in a billion? It's a thousand. A thousand thousand? That's a million. And a thousand million is a billion. So then, is that right? How many zeroes? How many zeroes in one billion?

Nine, right? One, nine. Right, so this has ten billion. And then, this has per, it says 5 billion daily value recommended, so it's like percent daily, that's, that's per one scoop, and, so you can get two scoops, I guess, if you did two scoops, it would be the same, and it is a lot cheaper. Let's see the mass enzymes, what's this got?

The other thing is, is that's delivered, like, the powder's delivered by powder, which is, which your body will absorb it a lot better and see, look, the serving size is three capsules here. It doesn't actually. Tell me all the, give it to me in one thing.

Take three capsules with each meal.

That's a lot. Alright, anyway. I'm gonna say no to that. Because I still like, the original one. But this, this is something I'm listening to. Down from 75 bucks. So you get a bottle of this for 34, protein breakthrough chocolate bliss plant-based protein shake.

16 serves per container, pea protein, hemp protein, pumpkin seed protein, cocoa powder, erythritol, leucuma powder, organic mesquite powder, sunflower, Lexan, I don't know what all this stuff is but it's got a lot of stuff in it. I don't know if, like, we can't buy 100%, 100 percent hemp protein.

So let me look at that later. All right. We're going to, we're going to finish up soon. So I wasn't happy.

ā€ŠAll right. So dangerous coffee. Let me go over this. This is Dave Asprey's. I like Dave Asprey. He's got this dangerous coffee, so it's got all these minerals in it. But the problem with it is he doesn't tell you what's in it.

Like, he doesn't give the ingredients, which is a bit crappy, so it's automatically a no for me. I'm sure it is fantastic, but until he releases what ingredients are actually in it I'm not going to buy it. It's got all these trace minerals in it. I asked him what the ingredients were and they said that they couldn't tell me.

So, it's kind of weird because Dave Asprey is all about knowing what you're going to put inside your body. So, why, like, if I take his advice, then I shouldn't buy this, right? Because he doesn't tell me what's in it. So whatever. I'm sure it's a great product, but tell me what's in it.

BeanSite. Oh, so this is a testing place where you can get all your tests done. It's pretty good, so if you ever did want to go to the, to the to the next step of getting tests done, you can get this. Or you can just do one of those ones that give you like the full, the full service where then they tell you exactly what you need and, and whatever.

Yeah, so let's not, I'm not going to worry about that.

ā€ŠEverwell. This is another one of those things. Same thing, with the food sensitivity test. If you've got problems with food, you can take this test and it'll tell you what's, what's ailing ya. Which is pretty good. It's only 200 bucks. This at-home lab test measures your body's immune response to 96 foods to help you guide you on what types of food to prioritize in a two-part elimination diet.

So it's just a finger prick sample and it lets you know. So Vioni was quite good. It did more things. So there's a lot of these testings about, you know, celiac disease, food allergy, food sensitivity. So you can research those ones. This was, I just looked into this and didn't know the bioanalysis.

And then the last thing was 8 Sleep by Tim.

Oh, that was, I put that there.

All right, so there you go. That is the end, because I mean, we, this one's gone for a lot longer than any podcast I've ever done. It's up to an hour. But what I've come down to is probably just NU Super Greens. I'm going to look into hemp protein powders. And What was this?

Oh, there were, there were three that didn't, and I'm going to look into vision, and there were three that we didn't look into, so let's just quickly look into them with TunnelBear on. It's funny that some websites don't like it if you're not in the United States. I'm sure using TunnelBear is not illegal, otherwise, they wouldn't let you use it.

So, B minerals I've got here for micronutrients, and this is actually the same thing that Danger Coffee is going, is... Buffing on about, right? So this is about redoing your minerals. So you've got being for women, kids, keto, being plants, being performance, being pets. Why these minerals are the foundation for your child's brain development?

Advanced electrolyte and micronutrient support.

The advanced electrolyte micronutrient support set contains a full spectrum of electrolytes, trace minerals, micronutrients, amino acids, and some B vitamins in a 100 percent bioavailable ionized format. This powerful combination of electrolyze and micro boost supplies important cellular nutrition and detoxification support in a liquid format that tastes like water, which is actually really friggin good, because not many things do that stuff.

This is something that I want to look more into. Keto, no, performance, should we, performance, I'm not sure what plants is about.

And it's quite cheap in comparison. Let's have a look at Danger Coffee quickly.

Because his, it's coffee, for starters. 25. It's supposed to deliver every two weeks. A one-time purchase is 25. And I guess it's, it'll, that would last me about coffee and mineral toxins equals powder. Feel dangerously good. But the other thing is I drink coffee and then I just put I drink keto coffee and I'll put MCT oil, which is a good brain boost in it.

So I probably don't need that, but this is quite good as well. So I'm going to compare these actually.

Electrolytes are the gold standard for electrolyte replacement. Fulvic electrolyte misting spray, energy boosting. This is interesting. So I want to look into B minerals a bit more. And Nat 20 will get me I'm not looking for this a bit more. Not decaf or whatever. No, I did say that I wasn't going to look for dangerous coffee. Ah, yeah. But, maybe. We'll see what happens.

ā€ŠDuo insoles. This was interesting. This is not a supplement.

These are insoles that you put on your feet. Perfect for someone who wants to take their sensory stimulation to the next level. The Duo is a double-sided insole featuring our highest level stimulation on one side and our activation level on the other. When you start to become accustomed to one level of stimulation, simply turn the Duo over.

So there you go. So it's like walking barefoot everywhere, I guess. It stimulates the bottom of your feet. 80 bucks, a one-time payment, which is pretty good. And you can put it in any type of footwear. So it activates the stimulation in your feet, which is like if you ever got into reflexology, it's good.

So it does neuro connection, foot stimulation, stability and control, and texture that grounds you. So I'll look more into that as well. I like that.

And then this last one is HVMN. These are ketones and ketone AQ. I'm not an athlete, so I'm not, I think ketones are good as an additional energy source. It's better than a lot of things, but honestly, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna bother with it.

ā€ŠAll right, cool. So. That is it for today, guys. Thanks for, if you're still listening, I'm impressed because I nearly left. But anyway, the next time I talk about this stuff, I will have it all laid out for you and it's all done, like, 100%. So, there you go. Thanks a lot, guys, and I'll speak to you again later.

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