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As we navigate through this article, we'll shed light on the critical pillars of longevity, the significance of resistance training, and the much-debated topics surrounding medicine and health.
Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, a health professional, or someone curious about the secrets to a longer, healthier life, this episode is bound to leave you with valuable takeaways.
Imagine possessing the skills and stamina to face any danger head-on. It starts here – are you up for the 6-week Survival Fitness Plan Challenge?
This podcast is available from most major podcast hosts, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:41:70 Summer Camp
01:00:19 Podcast Journey
01:49:53 The Survival Fitness Plan
02:51:15 Outlive by Peter Attia
03:33:48 Fun Fact!
04:10:36 Lifespan vs. Healthspan
04:50:64 Talking about Medicine
05:16:78 The Four Horsemen
05:55:31 Types of Exercises
06:26:96 Resistance Training
07:02:61 Zone Two
07:29:60 V02 Max
08:28:90 What You Should Do
09:08:87 Healthy Foods
09:50:10 Pillars of Longevity
10:08:48 What You Shouldn’t Do
10:46:94 The Battle Between the Four Horsemen
11:07:86 Heart Disease
11:40:85 Cancer
11:56:89 Neurodegenerative Disease
12:26:58 Metabolic Dysfunction
13:11:24 Closing
Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity:
Training for The Centenarian Decathlon: zone 2, VO2 max, stability, and strength article:
Four Horsemen Article:
Don’t just get fit, get survival fit. Take the challenge today!
Hi guys, Sam Fury here with another episode of the Survival Fitness Plan, the only program where you will train yourself to outrun, outfight, and outlive the majority of the world's population.
It's been a little while since I've recorded a podcast, which is why this one might be a bit shaky. About three months actually.
But I was so much ahead, like I've been recording them on there just coming out once a week. So. This, it's like you, I didn't miss anything, so you're seeing this just like, or listening to this just like one week after, but actually it's been three months, so I apologize if it's not the quality or whatever because I haven't done it for so long.
I've been at camp, the summer camp that I have been going to for the last couple of years and that I used to go to a while ago and I went there for eight years of seven. No, I went there for five years, then I took like a seven-year hiatus, and then I started going back during the COVID years and I've been going back the last three times.
So when I first started these podcasts or these videos or whatever I thought. They were really short, and they were like my first year, and now it's been three years that I've been going back. So that's where I've been. And, but now I'm back into it. Like, I've left camp. I'm back in Colombia, Armenia. It's not my final point, but I've, I've come across to realize that maybe I'll stop traveling for a little while and I'll stay here.
I've got a conference in a couple of months in Orlando, which I'll be very happy to go to. And then because it'll be very interesting, I'll stay there for a week, come back here, probably. And then eventually, my aim is to live in Santa Marta. That's the aim. So anyway you didn't need to know any of that.
All you need to know is that I'm ready to start doing podcasts again.
There's been some major changes in the Swallow Fitness Plan. First of all, we might scrap the app and just have it as an online training program. And the actual plan is getting a bit of a rehaul again, which I've already done.
I just need to set it up. It's going a little bit closer to its original routes. Plus I'm incorporating stuff that I've learned over the last three months via podcasts and all the books I read and all that sort of stuff. So it's going to be a bit of a rehaul. I mean, I change it all the time. It's just because I keep learning stuff.
And I want you guys to have the same information. The skills, that are what make the survival fitness plan, the survival fitness plan, they stay the same. It's the training timetable that's different and yeah, I might start, yeah, basically that's that, that's the difference. The offer like how you, how it will be delivered, and who I'll concentrate the marketing on is probably a change.
Maybe, I guess you don't really need to know about that. Probably by the time you listen to this, it will have already changed. So, there you go. We'll see what happens.
Anyway, today I want to talk about Dr. Peter Attia's book, Outlive. It was over three months since I read it. So we're gonna have a quick go at seeing what information I retained.
The first half from what I remember was just information overload. It was all good stuff, but it was a bit intense, right? I like books that are straight to the point. He explains a lot of stuff, which some people love. The second half of the book is the how, like how to fix everything. And I'll explain what that all means.
So in the first half, he kind of describes the four different major causes of death and illness in humans these days, and the second half is how you can fix it, right? It still has a lot of the why, and it's got a lot of stories.
So here's an interesting fun fact. The first, we are, or it has been, the first generation to not outlive the last.
We, by that I mean, ever since the dawn of humanity, every, as far as we know, every generation has had a lifespan, average lifespan, longer than the previous, but this is the first one that doesn't. And this book is about why that is and how we can prevent it, how we can change it, right? So it's about improving healthspan to live longer and better.
Lifespan is like just how long you live, right? Healthspan is... How healthy are you while you live? What's the point of living a really long life if you're going to be in a wheelchair I mean that's not necessarily true if you're going to be debilitated right? Wouldn't it be better to live a longer but healthy life so that you can be mobile and still do all the things you like to do?
Of course, as you get older, your body's going to deteriorate. You're not going to be able to do all the stuff, but you could do as much as possible. You might want to be able to pick up your grandkids. If you keep healthy or whatever, you'll be able to do that. But if you don't, if you don't move, if you don't eat right or whatever you might not be able to do that.
So this is what it's all about.
And then the other big part of it is about medicine 3. 0, which is prevention. So medicine 2. 0, which is what modern medicine is, right, is like, You got a disease, you get cancer, you get whatever, well, here's some medication to deal with it, right, to deal with the symptoms, deal with the problems.
Medicine 3. 0 is like, we know what the biggest killers are, and we'll tell them in a minute how we prevent them from getting them in the first place, and that's medicine 3. 0. It's more prevention.
So, he talks about the four greatest killers and how to avoid them. He calls them the four horsemen, right?
And the first one is cardiovascular disease, which is like these in any particular order. Cardi, like, or maybe it is, maybe cardiovascular disease is the number one killer that's like heart attack and stuff, right? The second is cancer. Cancer is pretty self-explanatory. The third is neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, right?
And number four is type 2 diabetes and metabolic dysfunction. So, you know, type 2 diabetes, right? It's basically everyone else with diabetes.
Alright, so, the first big thing... To prevent all of this is exercise. It's number one, right? And that's why you need resistance training, zone 2 training, and VO2 max training.
So this is how you prevent these things. Exercise number one, resistance training, zone 2 training, VO2 max training. And so when we bring this to the survival fitness plan, sorry, my finger was in the way. When we bring this to the Survival Fitness Plan, we do a lot of resistance training. Resistance training is just strength training, right?
We've got two dedicated strength training days a day, a week, sorry. Where you do your pull-ups, your chin-ups, your survival fitness plan burpees, and a few other things, right? You do that twice a week, and then also you've got swimming, which is not as intense, but it's still resistance training, and then you've also got rucking which is, like, basically just walking.
With a, with a heavy, heavy pack on, right? And that's strength training as well. And then, and then like you do skills like parkour and fight training. That includes parkour and a bit of strength training as well. Right? So that's resistance training.
Zone two is like when you're working, you like exercising, but not so hard that you should still be able to speak, right?
It might be a labored speech, but you should still be able to speak, right? So that's Zone 2, and you do that by, like, swimming Zone 2. We go for parkour runs, which is Zone 2, right? Except when you sprint you can just do a long run. Rucking 2 as well. Okay, so you get your zone 2, it's all, it's all coordinated and the last one is your VO2 max, and we do that by what we call the sprint spot, sprint fight sprint, which is one of the big changes in the thing, the sprint fight sprint, so you sprint for like let's say, let's say you're, you want to do it for 60 seconds, you don't run, you sprint for 60 seconds, and then you and then you fight for 60 seconds, like Blitzkrieg shadow boxing for 60, like hard, And then you sprint for another, no, sorry, you sprint for 20 seconds, then you do the 20 seconds, then you, then you fight again for another 20 seconds, right?
And that's your VO2 max and you do that a couple of times a week as well. So, that's how we get into those three things and exercise is number one and that's the thing that the soil foods plan concentrates on the most, right? So the idea is to do lots of exercises while you can lift heavy things, like lift heavy things, like get strong, get.
So, you get your VO2 up, right? And so you can because it deteriorates as you grow up, so then you can extend your abilities as you age, right?
Number two is nutrition, right? I re, we recently as an update, sorry about that dog, as update the thing we recently simplified the Survival Fitness Nutrition Plan, right?
Basically, here it is in a nutshell, eat enough protein, about 0. 8 I think it's one what was it, it was 100 grams per pound of person, 0. 8 to 100 grams, is that right? Yeah, per pound per person. And then per pound, Yeah, per pound, not per person, sorry. And then if you eat enough protein, you can get the exact numbers in the nutrition guide.
And then you fill the gap with vegetables, right? Vegetables, healthy fats, and fermented foods. Lots and lots of green vegetables. Healthy fats like avocado, olive oil, those sorts of things. All vegetables are good, but preferably non-starchy vegetables, right? You want lots of leafy greens. And then fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut kefir.
All those sorts of things, right? Eat fresh, so like not, not processed foods. And drink lots and lots of clean water. Basically. That's nutrition. It's pretty easy. Yeah. The next thing is to get enough quality sleep. So, this is one of the Svol Fitness Plan Pillars of Longevity. Actually, all of these are.
Like exercise, nutrition, and sleep. Get enough quality sleep.
And then there's like in the Pillars of Longevity it tells you exactly how to do that. That's what the main thing is like. The main things just off the top of my head would be, to have a routine so you go to sleep at the same time every day.
Make sure you get enough sun during the day.
Don't, don't look at junk light after, like, before two hours of going to sleep. Don't drink coffee before ten to twelve hours of going to sleep, or any caffeine or any stimulants.
Don't eat before, like, two or three hours of going to sleep. Don't drink water before, like, or don't drink anything, sorry, before, like, one hour of going to sleep.
Alcohol, like, totally ruins your sleep. All these things, right? And have, like, very, very dark rooms. If you can, get blackout curtains. Try to minimize the noise, all that sort of stuff, right? You wanna keep away from junk light, I think I said that already. So you get enough quality sleep and you want about seven or eight hours of quality sleep at least.
Alright, the four horsemen. So how do we, how do we combat the four?
So the first one is to get healthy, right? Exercise, nutrition, sleep, emotional, health. A reason to live like these are the things that will prevent all of these things, right? But here are some specifics.
So for the first one heart disease, you get your APOB and LPA tested If you don't know what they are I don't really know what they are either but guys go get the test or just look it up and Google and get it tested And you want it to be your goal is to get your APOB between 20 and 30 Which is baby level, basically.
And like, nutrition and exercise can only take you so far. What you want to do is take some statins. Statins. And I think there's, there are versions you can get over the counter. If you're, if your cholesterol is really, really high, you can get your doctor to prescribe you something a bit stronger.
The second one is cancer. The best thing we have for this besides nutrition, exercise, etc. Is... Aggressive early screening. So, just make sure you get screened for cancer and do it often so you can catch it early. Because if you catch it early, then you're more likely to defeat it. Right?
Neurodegenerative disease, modern medicine, is one of the things like Alzheimer's. We can't do anything about it. We don't have a drug to cure Alzheimer's. And we may never do it. So, the best things for this are exercise and good sleep.
When you sleep, it restores all sorts of stuff, that's what sleep is for amongst other things, we don't really know that much about sleep still, but we know that we need it so yeah, and then exercise, like, helps the brain, especially strength training, I think, specifically and the last one is metabolic dysfunction, right, you just need to exercise, you need to have a good diet, and you need sleep, all those things, you can even get a blood sugar tester, like, and you, you put it in your arm, I forget what it's called, it's like a constant blood sugar tester, and then it'll send it to like an app, like, every 10 minutes or whatever, and you'll know, like, if you eat this, does it spike your blood sugar and all this stuff, and like, it's different for different people, there are certain foods that do it.
It's just like, of course, you eat heaps of sugar, it's gonna, it's gonna spike it. So there are other foods kind of like oatmeal, you think that it won't, but it will. And like, different things affect different people, right? But that's a good way to do it, and you can adjust, you can personalize your diet using that.
That is it for today. I hope it wasn't too terrible. I will, after the next couple of episodes, get back into the swing of things. Sorry about that dog barking. Anyway, turn yourself into a modern-day ninja with a Survival Fitness Plan. May or may not be a training app anymore.
Download it now. But you can still go to
Like, subscribe share, and give us a rating and review. And that is it. Thanks again, guys. Bye.
The Survival Fitness Plan is much more than a fitness program. Take the challenge today and level up your life!
Driven by a passion for fitness and a commitment to helping men worldwide stay fit and capable, Sam formulated a plan that will get anyone to out-run, out-fight, and out-live the majority of the world's population.
As an avid traveler, he sought a solution that didn't require expensive gym memberships or exclusive clubs — that any man, anywhere, could take and improve his fitness straight away.
Now, after nearly two decades of relentless training, refining, simplifying, and perfecting the Survival Fitness Plan, Sam is eager to share this transformative program with the world.
Self-defense + Parkour + Fitness = You're Unstoppable!
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