Parkour Balance Exercises

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Balance is very important in parkour and self-defense.

These parkour balance exercises will improve your balance and will also:

  • Build resilient joints.
  • ​Cultivate body awareness.
  • ​Improve all over body strength.
  • ​Increase your focus levels.

Parkour Balance Exercises Introduction

The focus here is on rail balance parkour exercises. Aim to do all these parkour balance drills on a round rail.

In most places, the round rail is the hardest, common, urban structure to balance on. Progress to this by starting on the ground, then on ledges, flat planks, square rails, etc.


First, you need to get into the squat position on the ground.

Squatting on the ground

If you do not have the flexibility for this, the seated forward bend and downward facing dog yoga stretches will help.

Learn how to do those yoga stretches here.

Squats on the Rail

Once you can do a squat on the ground, do it on the rail.

Doing squats on the rail is a great strength building exercise. Make sure you can do at least ten squats on the ground before trying them on the rail.

To begin with, you can hold on to it. Then once you have found your balance/confidence, let go. It may help to focus your gaze on a single point in front of you.

When you are ready try standing on the rail for as long as you can.

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Squatting on the rail

Walking on the Rail

The next step is to walk. Walk forward, then turn around and walk back.

It will help to start on something easier than a rail. At the most basic level you can follow a line on the ground, then use a wide plank and get thinner as you progress.

The key to keeping balance is correct posture. As you walk, keep your chest up, knees a little bent, and your bum over your heels. Take each step toes first.

To begin with, go slow and use "airplane arms" until you are confident. Stop to regain balance when needed.

Walking on the rail

Try walking backward as well.

Note: In a real-life scenario, it is better to use a money traverse or catwalk on the rail. These two methods will give you more control and a lower profile.

Rail Balance Routine

Once you can do all the above things you can put them into a short rail balance routine.

Jump up on to the rail and get balanced in the squat position. Do a few squats on the rail, stand, walk forward, turn around, walk backward, catwalk.

Increase difficulty with inclined rails.


When you want to become a beast of balance, you can move from the rail to slacklining. Do the rail balancing routing on the slack-line.

Slacklining is like tightrope walking. Most people use a piece of webbing tied between two anchor points. Trees are good. The webbing is dynamic (stretchy), flat, and a few inches wide.


To learn more about slackening including the various types and how to set one up visit:

Parkour Balance Drills Conclusion

Parkour balance drills are important for building strength and balance. If you can do the above on a round rail then doing them on almost any other surface will be easy.

Start slow and spend time on parkour balance training every day. It will be difficult at the start, but after a week or two you will see improvement.

Did you find these parkour balance drills useful? If so, please share them with your friends.

Meet Sam Fury

Driven by a passion for fitness and a commitment to helping men worldwide stay fit and capable, Sam formulated a plan that will get anyone to out-run, out-fight, and out-live the majority of the world's population.

As an avid traveler, he sought a solution that didn't require expensive gym memberships or exclusive clubs — that any man, anywhere, could take and improve his fitness straight away.

Now, after nearly two decades of relentless training, refining, simplifying, and perfecting the Survival Fitness Plan, Sam is eager to share this transformative program with the world.

Buy The Self-Defense Handbook
Buy Essential Parkour Training
Buy Survival Swimming
Buy Emergency Roping and Bouldering


Self-defense + Parkour + Fitness = You're Unstoppable!

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