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We'll uncover the importance of fresh foods, the magic of fermentation, and the power of spices in amplifying our health. But that's not all; the episode also sheds light on the role of supplements, the wonders of adaptogens, and practical tips to craft nourishing meals.
Whether you're a health enthusiast, a fitness fanatic, or someone embarking on their wellness journey, this episode promises a comprehensive guide to nourishing your body from the inside out.
Join us and discover the blueprint to a healthier, fitter you.
Turn yourself into a modern-day ninja with the Survival Fitness Plan. Take the challenge today!
This podcast is available from most major podcast hosts, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:11:52 All About Nutrition
00:54:28 What SFP Stands For
01:48:14 28-Day Challenge
02:13:24 What the letter ‘P’ means
02:33:05 Protein Checking
03:47:44 Plant Materials
04:28:68 Protein = Plant Intake
04:56:80 Plants You Should Eat
05:45:46 Pure Water
06:56:39 Water Danger!
07:09:26 Drinking Tips
07:31:90 What is Reverse Osmosis?
07:56:69 The 3 P’s
08:02:62 Crafting Your Meal
08:55:79 What the letter ‘F’ means
09:05:59 Fresh Foods
09:25:71 What Foods You Should Buy
09:44:02 Factors to Consider
10:19:47 Ferments
11:23:94 What the letter ‘S’ means
11:31:86 Spices
12:05:15 Satiation and its benefits
12:44:32 Supplements
13:16:07 Kinds of supplements You should take
15:03:79 Products that I recommend
15:19:89 What are Adaptogens?
15:31:94 Closing/Outro
Enso Super Greens:
Athletic Greens:
Stamets Mushroom Powder: ~
Don’t just get fit, get survival fit. Take the challenge today!
Hi guys, Sam Fury here with another episode of the Survival Fitness Plan, the only program where you will train yourself to outrun, outfight, and outlive the majority of the world's population.
Today I'm going to talk about nutrition, specifically the Survival Fitness Plan nutrition guidelines or nutrition plan.
I've talked about this before, probably several times to be fair, but it's been updated recently. Just like the day before yesterday, I just wanted to share the updates with you. It's been simplified, but I still think it's definitely better. Otherwise, I wouldn't have updated it. It doesn't really matter if you eat meat, you're vegetarian, you're vegan, you can apply these guidelines So all the guidelines can be quickly summed up and easily remembered using the survival fitness plan acronym, right?
SFP S stands for Spices, Sat… Satiation, I don't really know how to say that word, but the feeling of fullness, Satiation, and Supplements. Right, so, every letter has three things for it, so S is for Spices, Satiation, and Supplements. F is for Fresh Food, Ferments, and Good Fats, right, so Fresh, Fermented, and Fats. And P is for Protein, Plants, and Pure Water.
So, even though it's SFP, we're going to go through them backward because that's the most logical way to do it. So just off the, it'll be also just off the top of my head. But you can actually get the full document for free and in more detail when you sign up for the Survival Fitness Plan Challenge, which is now live.
I'm still working on it, but you can definitely get it now.
If you go to and you get the 28-day challenge, I think it's 7 bucks, right? And with that, you get a free month. The soil fitness plan membership area is like videos and audio transcripts.
And then you can continue following this oil fitness plan. So there you go. Anyway, let's get on with it.
So the first one, or the last one is protein plants and pure water. So I'll just start with protein. Protein should be you design all your meals around your protein, right? So basically, you need one gram of protein per pound of your ideal body weight.
So if you're at the weight that you want, you're already there. For example, I'm 63 kilos which is 140 pounds maybe. I don't know, I work in kilos because I'm Australian, but you figure it out in pounds. So one, I think it's one kilo equals 2. 2 pounds, right? So let's just say I'm 140 pounds.
So I need to eat 140 grams of protein, right per day. That's what I want to do per day. So it doesn't really matter if you're a vegetarian or meat. Obviously, it's going to be a lot easier if you eat meat because there's more protein per well it just means you can, you can reach the amount of protein without eating as much or without having as much calorie intake.
So if you're worried about your weight, you might want to think about that, but if not, whatever. In this whole fitness plan, we don't really care about weight. You just go for your ideal size, right? So if you want to get bigger, let's say I wanted to build muscle and weigh 200 pounds, which I wouldn't want to do, but just easy for calculation, then I'd want to eat 200 grams of protein, right?
All right. So you figure out your protein amount first, and put that on your plate, right? So it'll take you a couple of days, what you first do when you figure it out.
And then the next thing you want to add is plant materials, right? So that includes beans, which are also good, and high in protein. So your plants also include protein as well.
And that's just an extra bonus. You can't eat too much. I mean, technically you can't eat too much protein, but you have to really be trying very, very hard, right? I don't think the average person will not eat too much protein. So I wouldn't, I wouldn't even worry about it, right? Even if you go up to 2 grams of protein per pound.
Like, it's not, you're not gonna, like, there's no issue with it, right? Your farts might stink or something like that, I don't know. Anyway, so, you get your protein, you put that on your plate, and you want, your plant intake should be 50 percent of your diet.
So whatever your protein intake is, your plant intake has to be around about the same amount.
Not necessarily in weight, but just like visually on a plate, right? Now, green leaves are really good. But they also it's a lot of air, so it has to be, like, pretend it's compacted, right? So maybe cooked greens are better but things like broccoli beans or any plant, any plant matter. So, right, and the thing is, go for what you like because you're more likely to eat it.
There are certain things that are better than others, like, you probably want to, if you, if you really want to get into it, you'd want to, like, stay more away from, like, starchy vegetables, kind of like potatoes and stuff, like, there's too much starch, right? So, it's... Better to have. And grains, stay away from them. Even though rice is a plant, you might not eat so much of that, right?
So you put leafy greens that are really good like spinach kale Cruciferous vegetables are excellent like broccoli Cauliflower kale as well and then like fruits vegetables you wouldn't tend towards more vegetables than fruits But, I like fruit, it's like nature's dessert, right? I'm a big, big, big fan of blueberries.
All berries are really, really good, yeah. But then you've got your ice, like bananas and all that. Anyway, so that's your plant, your plant matter.
And the last P is pure water. So you want to drink, I think it was like 600 grams per, ah,
Whatever it is. For the average person, you gotta drink 4 liters a day, right? At least 4 liters a day. But it's something like 60, 60 meals per kilogram and then adding a liter per day is what you should be drinking. And that's if you're doing the, the, we add an extra liter because we exercise every day in the Swell Fitness Plan, right?
If you're very sedentary, which you should not be, you probably don't need that extra liter. But if you're living in a very hot climate, you probably need more, right? So when I'm in Santa Marta, for example, or a beach, the Caribbean area, which is the tropics. Which I love, which I'm a lot for most of my life.
I drink more. I might, I might drink up to like six liters or seven liters of water if I'm working out hard and I'm only 60 kilos, right? You can't really drink. There is such a thing as hyper irony or whatever it's called, where you drink too much water without replacing salt. So this happens to like marathon runners and stuff where they drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, or a lot of people used to, I remember there was like a bit of a thing back in the nineties when ecstasy was big in the nightclubs.
And there were reports of people dying because they would drink a lot of water, but they're not replenishing their salts, right? Hydroponically. But we don't have to worry about that because we eat. So, I wouldn't worry about that too much. And we're not marathon runners, we're not going for long distances.
But if you do drink heaps and heaps of water, so just make sure you're not, you're not like, you can put a little bit of Himalayan salt in it or some trace minerals, right, which I really recommend is adding trace minerals to your water and it's pure water as well So you want to filter your water, at the very least filter it.
The best thing you could probably do is get re-mineralized
What's it called? Reverse osmosis, right? So get reverse osmosis and then remineralize it yourself with some salts or some trace minerals, right? Or you can actually buy a machine. I've seen one on Amazon. I've never tested it But, like, it remineralizes it as well. I don't think it was on Amazon.
It was, but whatever. If you're in the United States, you can definitely get it. In Colombia, I don't know. I'll have to do my research when I get to where I'm going.
Anyway, so, protein, plants, and pure water. So that's the base of your meals, right? Get your protein on your plate, however much you need.
So, I figured out how much I needed every day. And then I'm like, alright, I have three main meals a day. Or I figure out how I'm gonna split it up over my day, right? And then and...
You can use protein powders as well. I like using protein powders because you can get a lot in, especially as I'm mainly plant-based like I do eat meat, but I'm mainly plant-based.
I only eat meat three times a week. I need to get more protein in because I don't want to eat loads and loads and loads to be able to get my uptake in right? So protein, plants, and good and pure water So you get your protein in your plate. Then you look at it and the other half of my plate is going to be plant matter, whatever that may be, you know, it's not. But I wouldn't just put it like all rice, even though rice is a plant.
You need vegetables, right? It's like not just plants but specifically vegetables. It is way better.
Alright, so the next thing we're gonna go over is sorry. So F is for ferments, right? And fresh foods.
So by fresh foods, I mean like, not processed. Don't buy processed stuff. Anything highly processed would be, like, it's, I know it's hard to do. Get just, like, all fresh foods, right, especially in today's modern world.
You'll probably want to buy some. But just, like, stay away from takeaway food. It's terrible, right?
Stay away from, like, try to buy all your vegetables as fresh as possible. Frozen's alright. Because they usually, they, if they're, especially if they're snap frozen from fresh, sometimes it's even better, right?
So, like, I really like frozen berries. Try as fresh as possible. So you get the eggs, but it depends on your lifestyle and what you can afford, obviously.
If you're a low income or you got a big family or whatever maybe you can't avoid, like, the best, the best quality meat, right, like farm-raised, grass-fed, like, it's, it is, it gets expensive, but do, do the best you can if you can afford it, go for regenerative farming practices, right, and grass-fed beef, and pastured eggs free range organic Organic vegetables and stuff like that.
Or you could even try growing your own, which is an amazing thing to do, right? So make sure things are as fresh as possible.
Ferments, things like kimchi, sauerkraut kombucha. But watch out for the sugar in some of the kombucha. Watch out for the salt in some of the kimchi. But yeah, try to eat something fermented every day.
There's more like, Greek yogurt's a good one, right?
And then the last thing for the F is fats, so you want good fats, so there are two types of fats, right? These got your lot, hydrochlorides, ah, I don't know how to say it, but whatever. And that's all the fats that they use like when you deep fry stuff, it's like canola oil and sunflower oil and all that terrible, terrible stuff, right?
You want good fats, you want to use extra virgin olive oil, right, or avocado oil when you're cooking. There are a few others you can use, but they're the two most popular ones. Also, eat avocados, eat nuts, and eat eggs. It’s a good source of fats, right? Fatty fish, like salmon and that try to, try to go for the low mercury fish, obviously, because you don't want toxins in there.
So that's and then you wanna like, ocean-caught fish, right? Not like farmed fish. Would be for the fresh food thing, as fresh as possible, yeah?
Alright, so that's fresh food, ferments, and good fats.
And the last one, or the first one, is spices, satiation, and supplements. So, spices, use lots of herbs and spices, right?
Don't just douse heaps of salt onto your food just to make it taste nice, right? You can get so many awesome flavors from spices, herbs, and spices, right? It's amazing and uses a good mix of them. And they're very colorful, and they're super, super, super healthy, like, Use turmeric. Turmeric's amazing.
Turmeric, ginger, they're my, they're my two favorites. Curcumin is what sorry, turmeric is curcumin. Paprika is another one of my favorites. And then yeah, there's lots of different types for you. Rosemary, basil, fresh, fresh basil. Ah, it's amazing. So use spices. So that includes herbs as well.
Satiation means eating until you're full. So don't overeat. And a good tip is to, you gotta chew your food well, right? Because that produces all the enzymes, that help to break down the food. Number one. Number two, it makes you eat slower. So it gives your brain time to receive the signals from your stomach that you're full, right?
So, eat until you're full, and then don't overeat. There's no need to do it, right? You just eat until you're full. When you overeat, you'll get sluggish obviously you'll put on weight because you're like, right, but mainly you'll get sluggish, you'll be mentally drained because it takes a lot of energy to process food, right?
And the last one is supplements. And there's a reason why this is the very last thing is because supplements are exactly that. They're to supplement, right? Make sure you get everything. You probably don't even need supplements, right? If you get everything else in order, like you're exercising and you're eating well, you're following these nutrition guidelines, you get everything else good and then you want to, like, improve more, then you go for supplements, right?
However, saying that there are a few things that I recommend everyone take because No matter how healthy your diet is, you're probably not getting enough of these things, right?
One of them is like fish oil, right, because you want the omega 3’s from fish oil. Another one would be D2 and, no, D3 and K2, I think it is vitamin D3 and K2 because unless you spend a lot of time, like, it's a double arrow shot.
You need the sun for the D, for the D, right? for vitamin D. But if you stand too long in the sun, you'll get sunburned and like sun cancer and stuff like that. So you don't want that. So you do want to spend a little bit of time in the sun every single day for sure. But also you would, I would supplement with vitamin D through plus KT.
You need that K2 because it helps you absorb vitamin D, right? Without that, it's like you're getting 110, I don't know what the statistics are exactly, or what the percentages are, but you're blocking out a lot of it, right? B2, vitamin B2, if you're a, if you're a vegan and you don't eat a lot of meat, vitamin B, I even, I take B2 as well, even though I do eat meat sometimes, I still take it because I know, like, I'm probably deficient in it because I don't eat meat all the time.
I like super greens. I like using Enzo super greens, but if I can't get them, athletic greens are really good. These, like, so, I would say that oh, magnesium is glycinate. Magnesium glycinate So magnesium glycinate fish oil, like for omega 3 fish oils, or you can get, like, non, you can get vegan versions of it.
It won't be as effective, but you can. And B2. They're like the main, the main ones I would be taking that I think everyone should take, some trace minerals as well. But other, other than that, oh, D3 and K2, so they're like the three or four I make. And then if you want to get even better take a green supplement, especially if you know that you are not going to be eating well, like if you're traveling or whatever.
I like to take Enzo Super Greens or Athletic Greens are also good. Adaptogens, right? Pre and Probiotics, the good thing about these, these green things is they include all of these things, most of them. Enzo doesn't have adaptogens, but you can take Stamets Mushroom Powder, which is really good.
Adaptogens basically help your body cope with stress, right, Magnesium is really good for that as well. So, there you go, that's my supplements. And that is basically it. It was just off the top of my head.
Of course, you can get the full document, like I said, for free when you sign up for the Survival Fitness Plan Challenge. So... Oh, sorry. And you'll also when you do that, you'll get one month free to the survival fitness training program and a bunch of other bonuses. I think it's like a couple hundred dollars worth of bonuses. The challenge only costs seven bucks, right?
And it runs all the time. Like, it's like a self-paced thing. Well, it's not self-paced. Once you start, you gotta. But it's not like you gotta walk up to class every day, right? It's like you, you do it on your own time. You want to train every day though, because that's as well.
All right, that is it for today, guys.
Don't forget to like, subscribe and share. Give us a rating and, a review on the Apple podcast. That'd be great. And I'll see you next time.
Driven by a passion for fitness and a commitment to helping men worldwide stay fit and capable, Sam formulated a plan that will get anyone to out-run, out-fight, and out-live the majority of the world's population.
As an avid traveler, he sought a solution that didn't require expensive gym memberships or exclusive clubs — that any man, anywhere, could take and improve his fitness straight away.
Now, after nearly two decades of relentless training, refining, simplifying, and perfecting the Survival Fitness Plan, Sam is eager to share this transformative program with the world.
Self-defense + Parkour + Fitness = You're Unstoppable!
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